PHP How to Retrieve Array Values

PHP how to retrieve array values

$name = $array['name'];
$comment = $array['comment'];
$tags = $array['item']['tags']; // this will be an array of the tags

You can then loop over the tags like:

foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// do something with tag

Or access each one individually

echo $tags[0];
echo $tags[1];

How can I retrieve data from array

You can use the array_walk function

$total = [];
array_walk($sales, function($value) use(&$total) {
foreach ($value as $key => $arr) {
echo $arr. "<br>";

Get single array value

I Understand What You wants to say

use foreach loop insted of print_r()


$array = array("");

foreach($array as $key => $value)
echo $value;
echo "<hr>";
echo $array [0];


Also check Result Here.

How to get specific Array value from an Array in Laravel

The $user variable seems to be holding an array containing 1 element, not the User itself. You must first retrieve the User object from the array and then access the username attribute.

$user = $request->instance()->query('user')['user'];
var_dump($user->username); exit;

How to get values only array in php?

Please read answer carefully.

$arr = array('UK', 'France', 'USA'); // It has 0 ,1 ,2 keys but you cannot see in the code`

But in browser you can see it.

array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "UK" [1]=> string(6) "France" [2]=> string(3) "USA" } 

Just use loop to print each country

foreach($arr as $country){
echo $country."<br>";

You can understand it by below loop

foreach($arr as $k=>$country){
echo "$k => $country"."<br>"; // Here $k is key like 0,1,2..

If you have array like below:-

$arr = array('uk'=>'UK', 'france'=>'France', 'usa'=>'USA')  // It has uk ,france ,usa keys 

now array_values($arr) will give you output as below

array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "UK" [1]=> string(6) "France" [2]=> string(3) "USA" }

It will remove all keys and regenerate index of key from 0.

Refer below links to understand PHP array:-




Hope it will help you :)

How to get specific array value in php

You can get the productcode using explode() function, like this,

$product_code = explode("productcode: ", $option)[1];

Here's the reference:

  • explode()

So your code should be like this:

$content = $_POST;

for($i=1; $i < $content['itemCount'] + 1; $i++) {
$name = 'item_name_'.$i;
$quantity = 'item_quantity_'.$i;
$price = 'item_price_'.$i;
$product_code = explode("productcode: ", $option)[1];
$total = $content[$quantity]*$content[$price];

Get Array values in a loop in PHP

This is my suggestion for a different way to do this. It cuts down on the repeated code, and minimizes the PHP/JS mixing.

First, build your array a little differently as you fetch the rows from your query:

while ($row = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
// Loop over each of the temp_x columns
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$x = str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
// add the value for each temp_x to a temporary array, using time for a key
$temp = is_null($row["temp_$x"]) ? 'null' : round($row["temp_$x"], 2);
$times[$x][] = $row['iddevice'] . ':' . $temp;

Next, format the values of each array in the temporary array

foreach ($times as $time => $temps) {
$data[] = "{ y: '{$time}h', " . implode(', ', $temps) . '}';

Then convert the $data array to a string:

$data = implode(",\n", $data);

That way, all the PHP you'll need in the JS part is:

element: 'morris-area-chart',
data: [ <?php echo $data ?> ]

There may be a better way using json_encode. If you change the code inside the while loop that fetches rows from your database just slightly:

for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$x = str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$temp = is_null($row["temp_$x"]) ? null : round($row["temp_$x"], 2);
$times[$x]['y'] = $x.'h';
$times[$x][$row['iddevice']] = $temp;

Then $data can be formed using json_encode. (The array_values is used to reindex the array with numeric indexes so it will render as an array in the JSON output instead of an object.)

$data = json_encode(array_values($times));

And in the JS:

element: 'morris-area-chart',
data: <?php echo $data ?>
// note: no [] brackets around $data in this version

Whether or not this will work depends on whether or not it's okay for all the keys to be strings, because JSON keys are strings, so you'll get output like

{ "y": "01", "1": 17.62, "2": 19.52 }

instead of

{ y: '01', 1: 17.62, 2: 19.52 }

I think it should probably work anyway.

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