How to Remove an Array Element in a Foreach Loop

How do you remove an array element in a foreach loop?

If you also get the key, you can delete that item like this:

foreach ($display_related_tags as $key => $tag_name) {
if($tag_name == $found_tag['name']) {

How to remove element from array in forEach loop?

It looks like you are trying to do this?

Iterate and mutate an array using Array.prototype.splice

var pre = document.getElementById('out');

function log(result) {
pre.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result + '\n'));

var review = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a'];

review.forEach(function(item, index, object) {
if (item === 'a') {
object.splice(index, 1);

<pre id="out"></pre>

PHP removing elements from array in a foreach loop

If you only use one parameter on a foreach loop you are delivered the value of the occurance and not the key for the occurance.

Try this so that you are getting a key from the foreach loop and not a value

foreach($removeKeys as $key => $val) {
echo $key;

How can I remove an item from an array while I use forEach on this array?

What you will want to do is loop over the array in reverse:

let i = tests.length
while(i--) tests[i].testme()

Here it is in action:

//creating a test arrayvar tests = [];tests.push(new Test(1));tests.push(new Test(2));tests.push(new Test(3));tests.push(new Test(4));
function Test(n) { this.n = n;
this.testme = function() { if(this.n < 3) { tests.splice(tests.indexOf(this), 1); //remove me from the array tests please! console.log(this.n, "I got removed!"); } else { console.log(this.n, "I can stay!"); } } }

console.log("tests length: ", tests.length);
let i = tests.lengthwhile(i--) tests[i].testme()
console.log("tests length: ", tests.length); //output should now be 2

Remove item from array using foreach - JavaScript

I would not recommend this. The forEach function iterates over the array and when you remove the current or a previous item it will skip the next item in the array. That being said if you really want to remove an item despite the problems you will run into it is possible to remove an item with array.splice(data, 1).

How to delete specific array elements from within a foreach loop in javascript

var fruit = ["apple", "pear", "pear", "pear", "banana"],

for (i = 0; i < fruit.length; ++i) {
if (fruit[i] === "pear") {
fruit.splice(i--, 1);

//["apple", "banana"]

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

foreach($array as $elementKey => $element) {
foreach($element as $valueKey => $value) {
if($valueKey == 'id' && $value == 'searched_value'){
//delete this particular object from the $array

How to remove an element of array in foreach loop?

If you want to remove elements, the better tool is grep:

@array = grep { !/O/ } @array;

Technically, it is possible to do with a for loop, but you'd have to jump through some hoops to do it, or copy to another array:

my @result;
for (@array) {
if (/O/) {
push @result, $_;

You should know that for and foreach are aliases, and they do exactly the same thing. It is the C-style syntax that you are thinking of:

for (@array) { print $_, "\n"; }        # perl style, with elements
for (my $x = 0; $x <= $#array; $x++) { # C-style, with indexes
print $array[$x], "\n";

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