Override Method Parameter With Child Interface as a New Parameter

Override method parameter with child interface as a new parameter

It does break SOLID rules. You declare Car::setEngine to accept one parameter of type Engine, but the child WaterCar::setEngine accepts a parameter of type HydroEngine. Even if HydroEngine is a subtype of Engine, it's still a different type.

When a class Foo implements WaterCar, it is also true that this class is an instanceof Car. But Foo::setEngine accepts a HydroEngine, but does not accept an Engine. So Foo::setEngine supposedly implements Car, yet does not accept a parameter of type Engine. Which breaks the Liskov substitution principle. You cannot change the type of parameters in subclassed interfaces, period.

The keyword for inheritance is explicitly extends. A subclass does exactly the same as the parent class and possibly more. It cannot do less than the parent. Since HydroEngine is a specialized subtype of Engine, this would mean a WaterCar does less than a Car, since it only accepts a more narrow subtype of Engine. E.g.:

function (Car $car) {
$engine = new EngineImplementation;

The above code would implode if you passed in a WaterCar, because it does not accept an Engine.

Override method so that a parameter requires a subclass

Yes, you make the interface itself actually take the generic parameter:

public interface MyInterface<T extends MyAbstract> {
void someMethod(T param);

Then you can limit it where used:

public class AnotherClass<T extends A> implements MyInterface<T> {
public void someMethod(T param) {}


public class AnotherClass implements MyInterface<A> {
public void someMethod(A param) {}

In Java, how to let child class decide of which type parameter class use as overridden method argument?

Make your base class generic (with generic type T), and make show() accept a Consumer<T> (or a Consumer<? super T>. Make the subclass extend BaseClass<Protection>.

class BaseClass<T> {
public void show(Consumer<T> validationHandler) { // or Consumer<? super T>

class SubClass extends BaseClass<Protection> {
public void show(Consumer<Protection> validationHandler) { // or Consumer<? super Protection>

class Protection {}

How to override parameter defined in interface method with richer type?

You were close, but you need the class generic, not just the method:

public abstract class Manager<T> where T : TennisPlayer
protected abstract bool ScheduleFriendlies(T player);

You could then use:

public class RafaelNadalManager : Manager<RafaelNadal>
protected override bool ScheduleFriendlies(RafaelNadal player)

Why does java allow for overriding methods with subclass return types but not subclass parameters?

When parameters allow doing this, they are called contravariant parameters. When you do it with return types, they are called covariant return types. Java supports covariant return types but not contravariant parameters.

That would change the method signature and it will no longer be an override. Return types are not part of the method signature but the type and the number of parameters of the method are part of the signature, hence this would interfere with overloading.

Moreover, if Java allowed you to do that, that would cause unexpected behavior in some cases and break runtime polymorphism with virtual methods because you are narrowing down what the method could accept.

Imagine a scenario where some code or an API only exposes the base class to you. You call someMethod() to receive a person:

public Person someMethod()
Child child = new Child();
return child;

This is how it would look like at the calling site:

Person receivedPerson = someMethod();
Person myPerson = new Person();
Person result = receivedPerson.getPerson(myPerson); // This will fail

Here, the caller does not know that someMethod() has actually returned a Child instead of a Person. I would think the Person class has a method called getPerson() accepting an object of type Person and therefore, I can call receivedPerson.getPerson(myPerson). But, as the derived type Child which you don't even know about has changed the parameter type of getPerson() to Child, it will not be able to accept myPerson because you cannot convert an object of the base class to an object of a derived class.

This will never happen with covariant return types because if a method returns a more specific type, say Child instead of Person, it can be easily stored in a Person variable and child will always have all the state and behavior as that of its parent.

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