Class Foo\Bar\Baz Located in ./Foo/Bar/Utility/Baz.PHP Does Not Comply With Psr-4 Autoloading Standard. Skipping

Class Foo\Bar\Baz located in ./foo/bar/utility/baz.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping

This can happen for a variety of reasons.

The important thing is to pay attention to the error message which generally points very accurately to the source of the issue.

Path Case

The most common reason for this is that, as shown in the error message, the case for the different components of the pathname for Bar.php do not match with the case for the fully qualified class name;

foo/bar/Baz.php does not match App\Bar\Baz.

Simply update your application or package so that each path component matches the case of its the namespace it holds:


File name and Class name or Namespace differences

Check the pathname against the namespace very carefully. Sometimes your named your class (or your namespace) FooBar, but its path on disk is "foo-bar", for example. Or simply for any reason your namespace does not fully match the pathname of the files.

This will trigger a notice/warning as well. You need to either rename the files or rename the classes (or namespaces).

Usually, changing the path or files is much easier, since changing the class or namespace names would require you refactor code to match the new names, whereas changing the paths will not need you to refactor anything.

Nested namespaces and missing declaration

Let's say that you have:

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Fizz\\Buzz\\": "src/"

And the class Dummy, defined inside src/Buzz:

// src/Buzz/Dummy.php
namespace Fizz\Buzz

class Dummy {}

The above will work, but will throw the notice like the others. The correct way would be:

// src/Buzz/Dummy.php
namespace Fizz\Buzz\Buzz

class Dummy {}

You'll need not only to make the change on the affected class, but on any other file where this class is used or imported. (e.g. by now declaring use Fizz\Buzz\Buzz\Dummy;).

Error with autoloading. Class does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping

I rename all folders like this:


-> ModulesNema
-> Controllers

-> Services
-> Dark.php
-> Rent.php

-> TwigExtensions
-> NemaTwigExtensions.php

-> Module.php

-> Module.php

Then change all namespace like

use Modules\ModuleNema\TwigExtensions\NemaTwigExtensions;
use Modules\ModuleNema\Services\Dark;
use Modules\ModuleNema\Services\Rent;

on composer:

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Modules\\": "modules/",
"ModuleNema\\": "modules/ModuleNema"

and run

composer dump-autoload -o

now all it's working with composer 2

Composer PSR-4 autoload is not working after trying multiple methods and tutorials

While testing the given code, the problem was resolved by renaming index.php within src to App.php which relates to class name in the file. Also used "xenframe\\hello\\": "src/" in psr-4 section in composer.json.

Also its worth mentioning that while composer was unable to autoload required class, due to PSR-4 non compliance, no error was reported by composer.

The problems were:

  1. The filename of class was not properly compliant with PSR-4 specifications. From section 2.3.3

The terminating class name corresponds to a file name ending in .php. The file name MUST match the case of the terminating class name.

  1. The namespace mentioned in psr-4 section in composer.json was not matching the namespace used in class file. From Composer's PSR-4 Schema

Under the psr-4 key you define a mapping from namespaces to paths, relative to the package root. When autoloading a class like Foo\\Bar\\Baz a namespace prefix Foo\\ pointing to a directory src/ means that the autoloader will look for a file named src/Bar/Baz.php and include it if present.

psr-4 autoloading issue in Laravel

The namespace is wrong in your model, you're missing the sub-namespace of Model and have only the vendor namespace, which in the Laravel framework is set to App, pointing to the app folder as its base.

Changing your Admin models namespace to include the sub-namespace will fix your issue.

namespace App\Models;

class Admin {}

This is because PSR-4 works off of file paths, with sub-namespaces being directories to travel through to reach the destined class and those directories must match the cases of the sub-namespaces. The same goes for class names, the file must match that of the class, for instance.

IF your base directory is /src, linked to the vendor namespace Mitra, a class in the root folder of /src will only have the namespace Mitra. IF you have a folder in the root; /src/Models THEN the namespace would be Mitra\Models.

The specification for PSR-4 is a rather short specification and is very well documented, I recommend reading it if you're having trouble understanding.

Autoloading of classes through composer does not work

App.php are inside /core directory :

autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\Controllers\\": "app/controllers",
"Xuborx\\Cms\\": "vendor/xuborx/cms/core"


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