How to Get the Previous Url Using PHP

How to get the previous url using PHP

Use the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] header, but bear in mind anybody can spoof it at anytime regardless of whether they clicked on a link.

How to obtain two previous page's URL in php

Do what other people have done:

First solution:

Create a hidden field in your pages so that when a user clicks on login it will take him to the login.php page with the previous link. Then you can do anything you want (like, saving it to $_SESSION['url']) with this link.

Second Solution:

Imagine you have an anchor like this:
<a href="login.php">login</a>.
Instead of using just login.php you can use login.php?redirect_to= so that you can access the url from your login.php page with a $_GET['redirect_to'] request.

NOTE: Always remember to sanitize user input data.

Get previous URL path in PHP

$previous_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$path_parts = pathinfo($previous_page);
$result = $path_parts['basename']; //index.php

PHP get previous page url after redirect

I believe what you want is called breadcrumbs.

What to use for navigation chain storage is actually up to you. You might use even $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] if you want, but that'd be unreliable as it's client-side. Usual way to store such chain is actual URI or session.

For example, you have such URI:

Then you can iterate through explode("/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) to get each step.

That's basic explanation to guide you to a right direction. You can google alot of samples and snippets using keyword breadcrumbs.

On the topic of saving last visited location (the way to determine wether abonent came from manager or homepage): you can use session's variables to do that. Here's an example:

This way you can set a variable on your homepage:

$_SESSION['previous_location'] = 'homepage';

And then you just access it from another page:

$previous_location = $_SESSION['previous_location'];

It's important to set session.save_path in your PHP configuration file or your sessions might get lost.

How can I get previous Site URL using PHP

Ultimately you have to rely on the user and their browser configuration.

If they clicked on a link from another site and the user doesn't have anything (plugins, etc.) blocking the referrer, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will be populated.

If they visited the site directly or they are blocking HTTP_REFERER the value will be blank and there's no way for you to access it.

How to get previous page url in codeigniter

try this:

if ($this->agent->is_referral())
$refer = $this->agent->referrer();

In this way you load user_agent library, check if there is a referral url and then store It into a variable to use It after

Go Back to Previous Page

You can use a link to invoke history.go(-1) in Javascript, which is essentially equivalent to clicking the Back button. Ideally, however, it'd be better to just create a link back to the URL from whence the user was posted to the form - that way the proper "flow" of history is preserved and the user doesn't wonder why they have something to click "Forward" to which is actually just submitting the form again.

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