Check If Specific Array Key Exists in Multidimensional Array - PHP

Check if specific array key exists in multidimensional array - PHP

I played with your code to get it working :

function findKey($array, $keySearch)
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
if ($key == $keySearch) {
echo 'yes, it exists';
return true;
} elseif (is_array($item) && findKey($item, $keySearch)) {
return true;
return false;

Check if key exist in a multidimensional array

Attempt to extract the year column and if it results in a non-empty array then there is a year somewhere in the array:

if(array_column($array, 'year')) {
//yes year exists :-)
} else {
//no doesn't exist :-(

If you're wanting to check each array in the array and do something for each one, then just loop and check for year:

foreach($array as $values) {
if(isset($values['year'])) {
//do something with $values
} else {
//do something else

how to check if a specific array key is exist in multidimensional array

Super hacky solution:

function array_key_exists_recursive($array, $key) {
return strpos(json_encode($array), "\"" . $key . "\":") !== false;

Better solution:

$array = ['a' => ['b' => 'c']];
function array_key_exists_recursive($key, $array) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
return true;
foreach($array as $k => $value) {
if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists_recursive($key, $value)) {
return true;
return false;

var_dump(array_key_exists_recursive('b', $array));

How to check if value exists in multidimensional array with keys?

You have to use in_array() along with array_column()


$array = array(
array('name' => 'number1', 'number' => '0612345675'),
array('name' => 'number2', 'number' => '0634345675'),
array('name' => 'number3', 'number' => '0634378675')

$valueToFind = '0634345675';

if (in_array($valueToFind, array_column($array, 'number'))){
echo 'found';
echo 'not found';


If you want to show that array too, then use array_search()

$key = array_search($valueToFind, array_column($array, 'number'));
echo 'value found';
echo PHP_EOL;
echo "matched array is";
echo PHP_EOL;


In case multiple match found:

$valueToFind = '0634378675';

$matchedArray = array();
foreach($array as $arr){
if($valueToFind == $arr['number']){
$matchedArray[] = $arr;

if( count($matchedArray) > 0){
echo "match found";
echo PHP_EOL;


Multidimensional array: check if key exists

You can use array_key_exists to check if the key exists in the array, and then get the value. So you have:

$users = array(

"" => array(

"Name" => "Bill Gates",
"Password" => "12345",),

"" => array(

"Name" => "Jim Franklyn",
"Password" => "98765"),


$key = "";
if(array_key_exists($key, $users)) {
echo "Password is: " . $users[$key]["Password"];
} else {
echo "Not Found!";

php checking if value exist in a 2 level multidimensional array

Use below code, it will find key to n-level depth and search for given key

function multiKeyExists(array $arr, $key) {

// is in base array?
if (array_key_exists($key, $arr)) {
return $arr[$key]['cat_id']; // returned cat_id

// check arrays contained in this array
foreach ($arr as $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
if (multiKeyExists($element, $key)) {
return $element[$key]['cat_id']; // returned cat_id


return false;

How to check whether array key is present inside multidimensional array in php

simple use array_column to get the specific column from multidimensional array . if the count of array is more than zero key exists otherwise key not exists so show the error message .


echo "key exist in the multi-dimensional array";


echo "key not present ";

check if value exists in multidimensional array

You can use array_search() to search for a specific value in your array. This function returns the key corresponding to the value if found, false otherwise.

So what you will want to do is loop each subarray:

$category = $_GET['cat'];
$allProjects = array(
'project1' => array('corporate'),
'project2' => array('corporate', 'print'),
'project3' => array('web')

foreach ($allProjects as $projectName => $categories) {
$categoryIndex = array_search($category, $categories);
if ($categoryIndex !== false) {
echo 'active: ' . $categoryIndex;
// Do something with $categoryIndex and $projectName here


Looks like this is your answer:

$project = $_GET('project');
$category = $_GET('cat');

if (isset($allProjects[$project]) && in_array($category, $allProjects[$project])) {
echo 'yes';

Multidimensional PHP array - Key exists

This is where a recursive function comes in handy.

function multi_array_key_exists($key, array $array): bool
if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
return true;
} else {
foreach ($array as $nested) {
if (is_array($nested) && multi_array_key_exists($key, $nested))
return true;
return false;

Note that this can take some time (in long nested arrays), it might be better to flatten first, since you are only interested in whether the key exists or not.

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