PHP Mutual Exclusion (Mutex)

PHP mutual exclusion (mutex)

Well, most of PHP runs in a different process space (there are few threading implementations). The easy one is flock. It's guaranteed to work on all platforms.

However, if you compile in support, you can use a few other things such as the Semaphore extension. (Compile PHP with --enable-sysvsem). Then, you can do something like (note, sem_acquire() should block. But if it can't for some reason, it will return false):

$sem = sem_get(1234, 1);
if (sem_acquire($sem)) {
//successful lock, go ahead
} else {
//Something went wrong...

The other options that you have, are MySQL user level locks GET_LOCK('name', 'timeout'), or creating your own using something like APC or XCache (Note, this wouldn't be a true lock, since race conditions could be created where someone else gets a lock between your check and acceptance of the lock).

Edit: To answer your edited question:

It all depends on your server configuration. PHP May be run multi-threaded (where each request is served by a different thread), or it may be run multi-process (where each request is served by a different process). It all depends on your server configuration...

It's VERY rare that PHP will serve all requests serially, with only one process (and one thread) serving all requests. If you're using CGI, then it's multi-process by default. If you're using FastCGI, it's likely multi-process and multi-thread. If you're using mod_php with Apache, then it depends on the worker type:

  1. mpm_worker will be both multi-process and multi-thread, with the number of processes dictated by the ServerLimit variable.
  2. prefork will be multi-process
  3. perchild will be multi-process as well

Edit: To answer your second edited question:

It's quite easy. Store it in a file:

function readStatus() {
$f = fopen('/path/to/myfile', 'r');
if (!$f) return false;
if (flock($f, LOCK_SH)) {
$ret = fread($f, 8192);
flock($f, LOCK_UN);
return $ret;
return false;

function updateStatus($new) {
$f = fopen('/path/to/myfile', 'w');
if (!$f) return false;
if (flock($f, LOCK_EX)) {
ftruncate($f, 0);
fwrite($f, $new);
flock($f, LOCK_UN);
return true;
return false;

function incrementStatus() {
$f = fopen('/path/to/myfile', 'rw');
if (!$f) return false;
if (flock($f, LOCK_EX)) {
$current = fread($f, 8192);
ftruncate($f, 0);
fwrite($f, $current);
flock($f, LOCK_UN);
return true;
return false;

Does PHP's SyncMutex class named mutexes work across different processes on the same server?

According to the user supplied example below the documentation page for SyncMutex::unlock, SyncMutex lock created in one process is visible in another.

Additionally SyncSharedMemory class description says it explicitly:

Shared memory lets two separate processes communicate without the need
for complex pipes or sockets. [...] Synchronization objects (e.g. SyncMutex) are still required to protect most uses of shared memory.

Class Mutex (race conditions) with PHP (and APC)?

Later versions of PHP have a Mutex class built-in. If you are on a *nix system, also look for the "Semaphore Functions" in the documentation.

Mutual exclusion within a function Contiki

You seem to be confused about what protothreads do. The protothread approach is a form of cooperative scheduling. A protothread can only yield at specific points, when asked to yield by the execution flow. An interrupt can never switch the execution flow to another protothread.

So, there are two distinct options:

1) If your list is accessed both from protothread and from interrupt handler contexts, you need to do all modifications in the list with interrupts disabled. So your lock/unlock code is disable/enable interrupts, respectively.

2) If your list is only accessed from protothreads, you don't need any locking. This is the recommended design.

Indeed, the main advantage of using protothreads is that in 99% of cases locks are not needed.

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