PHP Implode Wrap in Tags

PHP Implode wrap in tags

In this way you are wrapping the entire set in one span, you have to add the closing/opening tag to the implode:

$value = "<span>".implode('</span>,<span>', $values)."</span>";

PHP Implode But Wrap Each Element In Quotes

Add the quotes into the implode call: (I'm assuming you meant implode)

$SQL = 'DELETE FROM elements
WHERE id IN ("' . implode('", "', $elements) . '")';

This produces:

DELETE FROM elements WHERE id IN ("foo", "bar", "tar", "dar")

The best way to prevent against SQL injection is to make sure your elements are properly escaped.

An easy thing to do that should work (but I haven't tested it) is to use either array_map or array_walk, and escape every parameter, like so:

$elements = array();
$elements = array_map( 'mysql_real_escape_string', $elements);

wrapping href around implode variable

You could seriously abuse implode in a manner similar to what you have tried yourself and make it work, but that's really not a good idea.

What you want is to move from a list of URLs to a list of anchor tags, which is possible with array_map:

if ($website = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'website')) {
$links = array_map(
function($url) {
$url = htmlspecialchars($url);
return sprintf ('<a href="http://%s">%s</a>', $url, $url);

echo implode(', ', $links);

Implode and Explode Array then wrap it inside a sample data

$sample = "Col1,Col2,Col3";
$test= explode(',',$sample);
$_test = '';
foreach($test as $t){
$_test .= "FORMAT(SUM('$t'),2),";

$_test = rtrim($_test,',');

php implode (101) with quotes

No, the way that you're doing it is just fine. implode() only takes 1-2 parameters (if you just supply an array, it joins the pieces by an empty string).

PHP, add a newline with implode

I suspect it is because you are echoing the data to the browser and it's not showing the line break as you expect. If you wrap your implode in the the <pre> tags, you can see it is working properly.

Additionally, your arguments are backwards on your implode function, according to current documentation. However, for historical reasons, parameters can be in either order.

$array = array('this','is','an','array');
echo "<pre>".implode(",\n",$array)."</pre>";



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