Display Array Values in PHP

Display array values in PHP

There is foreach loop in php. You have to traverse the array.

foreach($array as $key => $value)
echo $key." has the value". $value;

If you simply want to add commas between values, consider using implode

echo $string;

Print only the array values - PHP

print_r is a function intended for debugging, not formatted output.

The simplest way to achieve what you want is using implode, which combines the values of an array into a string; and then echo to display the string.

<div class="courses-search-result standout-box-shadow <?php echo implode(' ', $classes); ?>">

How can I echo or print an array in PHP?

This will do

foreach($results['data'] as $result) {
    echo $result['type'], '<br>';

how to display array values in php?

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "root";
$dbname = "myDB";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++)
//echo $a;
$sql = "SELECT Name,EmailAddress,Qualification FROM form WHERE sno='$a'";


while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
echo $ab;
echo $bc;
echo $ca;

$sql1="INSERT INTO arun ". "VALUES('$ab')";
if (!$result) {
//$_SESSION['message10'] = '<p style="color:green;margin-left: 250px";>Your request has been send </p>';

echo "not send";
else {
// $_SESSION['message11'] = '<p style="color:red;margin-left: 250px";>you have already send request to the user</p>';

echo "send";

How to count and display array values in php

I don't know how you're using array_count_values because you haven't posted your code, please post your code in future. Below is a working example that gives your desired output.


$rooms = "Single room,Single room,Single room,Double room";
$rooms = explode(',', $rooms); // array of rooms
//Count each occurence of values
$countedValues = array_count_values($rooms);

//Build strings from value and display them.
foreach( $countedValues as $roomType=>$count ){
echo $count . 'x ' . $roomType . '<br />';


This gave me the output:

3x Single room
1x Double room

Please note that your question includes this:

$rooms= Single room,Single room,Single room ;

this is not a valid array format. You should use this instead:

$rooms = array("Single room","Single room","Single room");

How to display multiple array value in PHP?

You have multiple options to output an array.

Echo and foreach

You c an loop through your array and echo each $key and $value

foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
echo $key." : ".$value."<br />";

print_r and var_dump

This is mostly used in debugging.




You can implode your array to echo the concatted values.

// The first parameter is the devider or separator
echo implode('', $keys);

Is it possible to display more than one value from the column?

Yes, ofcourse. Look at the following example:

foreach ($keys as $value) {
echo $value['columnone'];
echo $value['columntwo'];
echo $value['columnthree'];


  • implode() - PHP Manual
  • print_r() - PHP Manual
  • var_dump() - PHP Manual
  • foreach - PHP Manual

How to print array element with keys & values in PHP?

In the nested foreach you have to iterate over the $value which holds the array.

foreach ( $marks as $key => $value) {
foreach ( $value as $key2 => $value2 ) {
// -------^^^^^^-------
echo $key . " : " . $key2 . " - " . $value2 . "<br>";

PHP Print array values in order which is in another array

This did the trick:

print "<table style=\"width:100%\">";
print " <tr>\n";
foreach ($fields_order_obj as $obj){
print "<th>".$obj->name."</th>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
foreach ($data as $row) {
print " <tr>\n";
foreach ($fields_order_obj as $obj){
$fieldName = $obj->name;
print "<td>".$row[$fieldName]."</td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";

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