Start and Stop a Timer PHP

Start and stop a timer PHP

You can use microtime and calculate the difference:

$time_pre = microtime(true);
$time_post = microtime(true);
$exec_time = $time_post - $time_pre;

Here's the PHP docs for microtime:

How to make Stopwatch in php

Use hrtime()

Here is a snippet:

sleep(5);//this is what you are going to be measuring

echo $eta/1e+6; //nanoseconds to milliseconds

Php timer does not stop at 00:00

We cannot submit a form in AJAX file. Try this.

//timer function
setInterval (function(){
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","timer.php",false);
if (xhttp.response != "SUBMIT")
document.getElementById("time_left").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
} else {
}, 1000);

//timer.php code
if ($timer_time == "00:00") {
echo "SUBMIT";
} else {
echo "OKAY";

How to make incremented timer in Core PHP with start pause resume stop button with mysql

You will need two buttons. One start another stop.

When clicking start you make Ajax request to server (since you labeled question as javascript).

You have table in database timer

id | user_id | state | time

Ajax request do query to database:

 UPDATE timer SET state = 1 WHERE user_id = :user

If there is no such entry for current user - add one first:

 "INSERT INTO timer (user_id, state, time) VALUES ({$userId}, ".User::STATUS_INACTIVE.", '".time()."')

Your Cron job executes query to database every 1 second:

 UPDATE timer SET time = time + 1

When user clicks stop you make another request that updates database and returns current time:

 UPDATE timer SET state = 0 WHERE user_id = :user;
SELECT time FROM timer WHERE user_id = :user;

As you can see there is no way to execute user commands without javascript.

It would be possible if your user would use CLI.

Php Timer with a Pause Function

I don't think "Javascript timer wouldn't be very accurate" is an accurate statement.

However, if you decide to use PHP, you will not be having the script running for the whole duration of the project. What you need is simply a number of markers in an object. You can store the object in a database table or as JSON string in a file. Here's an example using JSON:

[1440264185, "start"],
[1440280217, "pause"],
[1440288349, "resume"],
[1440292161, "pause"],
[1440317465, "resume"],
[1440325597, "stop"]

The object is built progressively with each event adding the timestamp of the signal received with the signal type (start, pause, resume, stop).

Then, when you want to calculate the amount of time spent working on the project/task you can use code like this:

$markers = json_decode($json_markers, true);
$num_markers = count($markers);
$markers[] = $markers[$num_markers-1];
$time_worked = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $num_markers; $i++) {
if(in_array($markers[$i][1], array("start","resume"))) {
$time_worked += $markers[$i+1][0] - $markers[$i][0];
var_dump($time_worked); // int(27976)

Here's the code above.

Start and terminate a background python script with PHP and a timer

That's actually pretty simple. You can use a memory object caching system. I would recommend memcached. Memory objects from memcached can be accessed literally from anywhere in your system. The only requirement is that a connection to the memcached backend server is supported. (PHP does, Python does, etc.)

Answer to your first question:

Create a variable called stopme with the value 0 in the memcached database.

Connect from your python script to the memcached database and read the variable stopme permanently. Let's say the python script is running when the variable stopme has the value 0.

In order to stop your script from PHP, make a connection from your PHP script to the memcached server and set stopme to 1.

The python script receives the updated value instantly and exits.

Answer to your second question:

It could be done like explained in my answer before through reading shared variables, but additionally I would like to mention that you also could use a cronjob to kill a running script.

How to get this timer to Only start upon form submission, then to execute php code 1st. then disable submit button, wait 30, then re-enable?

Set the button as disable by default. If you need to make it available the first time, then check if you have the button submit using $_POST values:

<?php $disable = isset($_POST['link_to_php']) ? '':'disabled'; ?>

<input type="submit" name="link_to_php" value="Attempt" id="myButton" <?=$disabled?>>

Enable when counter is 0:

if (counter <= 0) {
document.getElementById('myButton').disabled = false;

Javascript and PHP countdown Timer that displays the same for everyone

I have finally come up with a solution that works. There are still elements I haven't quite figured out how to fix, but the following code essentially does exactly what I need for now.

setInterval(function() {
function addZero(i) {
if (i < 10) {
i = "0" + i;
return i;
var x = document.getElementById("timer");
var d = new Date();
var s = (d.getSeconds());
var m = (d.getMinutes());
var a = addZero(30 - m);
var b = addZero(60 - m);
var c = (60 - s);
var z = "<span style='color:red;font-size:50px;'>" + "Break" + "</span>";
var v = "<span style='color:black;font-size:24px;'>" + "Break" + "</span>";

if (m > 30) {
y = b;
else if (m < 30) {
y = a;
if (y < 2 && c < 15) {
q = z;
else {
q = v;

var t = y + (":" + addZero(c) + " Till Station " + (q));
x.innerHTML = t;
}, 250);

<div align="center" id="timer" style='color:black;font-size:24px;' ></div>

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