How to Display Currency in Indian Numbering Format in PHP

How to display Currency in Indian Numbering Format in PHP?

You have so many options but money_format can do the trick for you.


$amount = '100000';
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_IN');
$amount = money_format('%!i', $amount);
echo $amount;




The function money_format() is only defined if the system has strfmon capabilities. For example, Windows does not, so money_format() is undefined in Windows.

Pure PHP Implementation - Works on any system:

$amount = '10000034000';
$amount = moneyFormatIndia( $amount );
echo $amount;

function moneyFormatIndia($num) {
$explrestunits = "" ;
if(strlen($num)>3) {
$lastthree = substr($num, strlen($num)-3, strlen($num));
$restunits = substr($num, 0, strlen($num)-3); // extracts the last three digits
$restunits = (strlen($restunits)%2 == 1)?"0".$restunits:$restunits; // explodes the remaining digits in 2's formats, adds a zero in the beginning to maintain the 2's grouping.
$expunit = str_split($restunits, 2);
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($expunit); $i++) {
// creates each of the 2's group and adds a comma to the end
if($i==0) {
$explrestunits .= (int)$expunit[$i].","; // if is first value , convert into integer
} else {
$explrestunits .= $expunit[$i].",";
$thecash = $explrestunits.$lastthree;
} else {
$thecash = $num;
return $thecash; // writes the final format where $currency is the currency symbol.

Formatting price in INR method

There is no use of strpos while setting the value to $thecash. strpos doc

Use number_format() as: number_format((float)$num,2,'.','');

Working Code:-

function price_format($num,$type = 1){
$num_full = number_format((float)$num,2,'.','');
if (strpos($num, '.') !== false) {
$num = substr($num_full, 0, strpos($num_full, "."));

if($type == 1){ // '₹10,00,000.00/-'
$explrestunits = "" ;
if(strlen($num)>3) {
$lastthree = substr($num, strlen($num)-3, strlen($num));
$restunits = substr($num, 0, strlen($num)-3); // extracts the last three digits
$restunits = (strlen($restunits)%2 == 1)?"0".$restunits:$restunits; // explodes the remaining digits in 2's formats, adds a zero in the beginning to maintain the 2's grouping.
$expunit = str_split($restunits, 2);
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($expunit); $i++) {
// creates each of the 2's group and adds a comma to the end
if($i==0) {
$explrestunits .= (int)$expunit[$i].","; // if is first value , convert into integer
} else {
$explrestunits .= $expunit[$i].",";
$thecash = "₹".$explrestunits.$lastthree.substr($num_full, -3)."/-";
} else {
$thecash = "₹".$num.substr($num_full, -3)."/-";
return $thecash; // writes the final format where $currency is the currency symbol.

echo price_format(1).PHP_EOL;
echo price_format(10).PHP_EOL;
echo price_format(84289.35);

Displaying Currency in Indian Numbering Format

Unfortunately on standard Java SE DecimalFormat doesn't support variable-width groups. So it won't ever format the values exactly as you want to:

If you supply a pattern with multiple grouping characters, the interval between the last one and the end of the integer is the one that is used. So "#,##,###,####" == "######,####" == "##,####,####".

Most number formatting mechanisms in Java are based on that class and therefore inherit this flaw.

ICU4J (the Java version of the International Components for Unicode) provides a NumberFormat class that does support this formatting:

Format format = Locale("en", "in"));
System.out.println(format.format(new BigDecimal("100000000")));

This code will produce this output:

Rs 10,00,00,000.00

Note: the class does not extend the java.text.NumberFormat class (because it already extends an ICU-internal base class), it does however extend the java.text.Format class, which has the format(Object) method.

Note that the Android version of java.text.DecimalFormat class is implemented using ICU under the hood and does support the feature in the same way that the ICU class itself does (even though the summary incorrectly mentions that it's not supported).

Print Currency Number Format in PHP

The easiest answer is number_format().

echo "$ ".number_format($value, 2);

If you want your application to be able to work with multiple currencies and locale-aware formatting (1.000,00 for some of us Europeans for example), it becomes a bit more complex.

There is money_format() but it doesn't work on Windows and relies on setlocale(), which is rubbish in my opinion, because it requires the installation of (arbitrarily named) locale packages on server side.

If you want to seriously internationalize your application, consider using a full-blown internationalization library like Zend Framework's Zend_Locale and Zend_Currency.

Convert Number to Words in Indian currency format with paise value

Convert Currency Number to Word Format Using PHP

* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: sakthikarthi
* Date: 9/22/14
* Time: 11:26 AM
* Converting Currency Numbers to words currency format
$number = 190908100.25;
$no = floor($number);
$point = round($number - $no, 2) * 100;
$hundred = null;
$digits_1 = strlen($no);
$i = 0;
$str = array();
$words = array('0' => '', '1' => 'one', '2' => 'two',
'3' => 'three', '4' => 'four', '5' => 'five', '6' => 'six',
'7' => 'seven', '8' => 'eight', '9' => 'nine',
'10' => 'ten', '11' => 'eleven', '12' => 'twelve',
'13' => 'thirteen', '14' => 'fourteen',
'15' => 'fifteen', '16' => 'sixteen', '17' => 'seventeen',
'18' => 'eighteen', '19' =>'nineteen', '20' => 'twenty',
'30' => 'thirty', '40' => 'forty', '50' => 'fifty',
'60' => 'sixty', '70' => 'seventy',
'80' => 'eighty', '90' => 'ninety');
$digits = array('', 'hundred', 'thousand', 'lakh', 'crore');
while ($i < $digits_1) {
$divider = ($i == 2) ? 10 : 100;
$number = floor($no % $divider);
$no = floor($no / $divider);
$i += ($divider == 10) ? 1 : 2;
if ($number) {
$plural = (($counter = count($str)) && $number > 9) ? 's' : null;
$hundred = ($counter == 1 && $str[0]) ? ' and ' : null;
$str [] = ($number < 21) ? $words[$number] .
" " . $digits[$counter] . $plural . " " . $hundred
$words[floor($number / 10) * 10]
. " " . $words[$number % 10] . " "
. $digits[$counter] . $plural . " " . $hundred;
} else $str[] = null;
$str = array_reverse($str);
$result = implode('', $str);
$points = ($point) ?
"." . $words[$point / 10] . " " .
$words[$point = $point % 10] : '';
echo $result . "Rupees " . $points . " Paise";
  • Output

    nineteen crores nine lakh eight thousand one hundred Rupees . two five Paise

    Now i have added Simplified Method as follows:

    function getIndianCurrency(float $number)
    $decimal = round($number - ($no = floor($number)), 2) * 100;
    $hundred = null;
    $digits_length = strlen($no);
    $i = 0;
    $str = array();
    $words = array(0 => '', 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two',
    3 => 'three', 4 => 'four', 5 => 'five', 6 => 'six',
    7 => 'seven', 8 => 'eight', 9 => 'nine',
    10 => 'ten', 11 => 'eleven', 12 => 'twelve',
    13 => 'thirteen', 14 => 'fourteen', 15 => 'fifteen',
    16 => 'sixteen', 17 => 'seventeen', 18 => 'eighteen',
    19 => 'nineteen', 20 => 'twenty', 30 => 'thirty',
    40 => 'forty', 50 => 'fifty', 60 => 'sixty',
    70 => 'seventy', 80 => 'eighty', 90 => 'ninety');
    $digits = array('', 'hundred','thousand','lakh', 'crore');
    while( $i < $digits_length ) {
    $divider = ($i == 2) ? 10 : 100;
    $number = floor($no % $divider);
    $no = floor($no / $divider);
    $i += $divider == 10 ? 1 : 2;
    if ($number) {
    $plural = (($counter = count($str)) && $number > 9) ? 's' : null;
    $hundred = ($counter == 1 && $str[0]) ? ' and ' : null;
    $str [] = ($number < 21) ? $words[$number].' '. $digits[$counter]. $plural.' '.$hundred:$words[floor($number / 10) * 10].' '.$words[$number % 10]. ' '.$digits[$counter].$plural.' '.$hundred;
    } else $str[] = null;
    $Rupees = implode('', array_reverse($str));
    $paise = ($decimal > 0) ? "." . ($words[$decimal / 10] . " " . $words[$decimal % 10]) . ' Paise' : '';
    return ($Rupees ? $Rupees . 'Rupees ' : '') . $paise;

method calling :

echo getIndianCurrency(79855995.19);

seven crore ninety eight lakhs fifty five thousands nine hundred and ninety five Rupees .one nine Paise

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