"Adaptive Server Is Unavailable or Does Not Exist" Error Connecting to SQL Server from PHP

PDO Error Adaptive Server is unavailable when connecting to MS SQL Database

You have the datasource name, you should make use of it:

$db = new PDO ("dblib:host=Server1;dbname=TestDB","username",'pass');

You are running linux right? I recommend giving odbc a shot.

sybase_connect() Error - Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist

AFAIK, the sybase* functions could only connect to older versions of SQL Server, and have been removed in PHP 7.0, which will soon be the only secure version available.

I would advise using PHP's sqlsrv_connect():
...or PDO: https://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.construct.php

Good luck!

SQLSTATE[01002] Adaptive Server connection failed on PHP only, I can connect through CLI

You must fix your connection string. Change dlib to sqlsrv and host to Server. More details here

$conn = new \PDO("sqlsrv:Server=myserver.com,1433;Database=mydb", "user", 'password');

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