How to Print SQL Statement in Codeigniter Model

How to print SQL statement in codeigniter model

To display the query string:


To display the query result:


The Profiler Class will display benchmark results, queries you have run, and $_POST data at the bottom of your pages.
To enable the profiler place the following line anywhere within your Controller methods:


Profiling user guide:

Echo query before execution and without execution in codeigniter Active Record

You can see the compiled query by either of these functions

/* SELECT */ $this->db->_compile_select();
/* INSERT */ $this->db->_insert();
/* UPDATE */ $this->db->_update();

Echo/Print Query Result at Controller in Codeigniter

You have multi-dimentinal array returning from model. So you have to loop over them then print data

function updateJobsheetCDC()
$prnID = $this->input->post('prnID');

$data = $this->Ipss_model->prnEmailList($prnID);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
echo $value->name;

Codeigniter: does $this-db-last_query(); execute a query?

The query execution happens on all get methods like


While last_query contains the last query which was run


If you want to get query string without execution you will have to do this.
Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions

public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()

Now you can write query and get it in a variable

$subQuery = $this->db->_compile_select();

Now reset query so if you want to write another query the object will be cleared.


And the thing is done. Cheers!!!
Note : While using this way you must use


instead of


which runs the query.

Take a look at this example

Print query before inserting (NOT EXECUTING) in Codeigniter Framework

please use insert_string, please take a look at following example.

$data = array( 
'name' = > $_POST['name'] ,
'groupname'= > $_POST['groupname'],
'age' = > $_POST['age']
$this-> db->insert_string('tbl_user', $data);

Refer to this link

print database data with model function codeigniter

Model Code

class User1_model extends CI_Model 
public function getUser($name)
$query = "SELECT * FROM `user`";
$data = $this->db->->query($query);
return $data->result_array();//for single user for all return result_array() and comment $this->db->where line

Controller Code

class User1 extends CI_Controller 
public function index()

$data['name'] = $this->user1_model->getUser("RANDIKA");
if($data['name'] == false )
$data['name'] = array();
$this->load->view('users', $data);

And in View

 <?php print_r($name); // will print single users details in your case its RANDIKA ?>

Output the results of the SQL query in CodeIgniter is not displaying

There are a few problems with your code.

Firstly, instead of accessing the session directly in the model. You should access it in the controller, and pass the data to the model as a parameter of the getuser_id() function.

Secondly, you are making a query but not returning the data from it. To do this you will need to amend the line:

$query = $this->db->get();

To be one of the following, depending on your preference:

$query = $this->db->get()->result(); //returns results as an object
$query = $this->db->get()->result_array(); // returns results as an array

More info on returning results here.

Thirdly, you dont pass any data from your model back to your controller. You need to add a return $your_data to the end of the models function.

Updated Model:

public function getuser_id($user_email)
$this->db->select('id')->from('users')->where('email', $user_email);
$query = $this->db->get()->result_array();

return $query; // Don't forget to return your results!


Here's the controller:

public function members()
if ($this->session->userdata('is_logged_in'))
$data['title'] = 'Members Page';
$user_email = $this->session->userdata('email');
$data['uid'] = $this->model_users->getuser_id($user_email);
$this->load->view('members', $data);

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