Downloading a File with a Different Name to the Stored Name

Downloading a file with a different name to the stored name

Sure, use a Content-disposition header

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="filetodownload.jpg"');

if you wish to provide a default filename, but not automatic download, this seems to work.

header('Content-Disposition: filename="filetodownload.jpg"');

Downloading a file with a different name to the stored name with ajax

You can't make the client download the file through an ajax request.

What you are doing here is reading the file server-side with PHP and returning his content to the caller script ( in fact you see the content in the "data" variable )

Without ajax, you can call the script like this:

<a href='path/to/your/phpscript.php' target='_blank' ><img src='../tools/telecharger.gif' /></a>

And it will send the file to the browser

EDIT: if you add the attribute target="_blank" to the anchor it will open the download in a new tab, without reloading the current page

How to download file with its original name instead of unique name?

I would just prefix the filename with the hash instead of replacing it. This way original filename is preserved. So your code would look like:

$file_name1 = md5(uniqid()) . '-' . $_FILES['file1']['name'];
// Example: b4b34d95b44ea3ebaa125508fd51dd44-image.jpg

On download, you could just remove this hash from the filename:

$file_name1 = substr($file_name1, 33);
// Example: image.jpg

And then set the filename like:

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_name1 . '"');

How can I rename a downloaded file in a for loop, when files have the same name?

Since you know the name of the download file, you can rename as you go. It can be tricky to know when a download completes, so I used a polling method.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import os
import time
import shutil

download_file = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/Data.csv")
save_to_template = os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Data-{}.csv")

# remove stale files
if os.path.isfile(download_file):

driver =webdriver.Chrome('Users/yu/Downloads/chromedriver')

countries = ['China', 'Malaysia', 'Brazil']

for country in countries:

# one option is to poll for file showing up.... assuming file
# is renamed when done
for s in range(60): # give it a minute
if os.path.exists(download_file):
shutil.move(download_file, save_to_template.format(country))
raise TimeoutError("could not download {}".format(country))

How to rename or keep the file name only while downloading the file entering a required key?

There are multiple ways to solve your problem. The most simple solution is to set the download attribute without value = '';

This will use the final segment of the URL as filename.


Causes the browser to treat the linked URL as a download. Can be used with or without a value:

Without a value, the browser will suggest a filename/extension, generated from various sources:

  • The Content-Disposition HTTP header
  • The final segment in the URL path
  • The media type (from the Content-Type header, the start of a data: URL, or Blob.type for a blob: URL)

Defining a value suggests it as the filename. / and \ characters are converted to underscores (_). Filesystems may forbid
other characters in filenames, so browsers will adjust the suggested
name if necessary.


wget command to download a file and save as a different filename

Use the -O file option.


16:07:52 (538.47 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [10728]


wget -O foo.html
16:08:00 (1.57 MB/s) - `foo.html' saved [10728]

Is there a way to tell a browser to download a file as a different name than as it exists on disk?

I'm stupid. Right in the Flask API docs it says you can include the parameter attachment_filename in send_from_directory if it differs from the filename in the filesystem.

How to set name of file downloaded from browser?

Can't find a way in HTML. I think you'll need a server-side script which will output a content-disposition header. In php this is done like this:

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');

if you wish to provide a default filename, but not automatic download, this seems to work.

header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filetodownload.jpg"');

In fact, it is the server that is directly serving your files, so you have no way to interact with it from HTML, as HTML is not involved at all.

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