PHP Yaml Parsers

YAML parse return object not Array using PHP

According to documentation you should just pass Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP as a second parameter of Yaml::parse():

$yaml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents('test.yml'), Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP);

Symfony parsing yaml files from subfolders

Thanks Matteo for helpful answer, it didn't really fit into my needs, but helped.

I found following solution:

$yaml = new Parser();
$finder = new Finder();
$parsedData = array();
$tmp = $finder->files()->in(__DIR__.'/../path/to/folder')->name('test.yml');

foreach ($tmp as $t)
$x = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($t));
array_push($parsedData, $x);

Reading Yaml with PHP

You can parse YAML and dump an array to YAML using symfony/yaml:

use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
$yaml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.yml'));
$yamlString = Yaml::dump($yaml);

Now to parse your example, I replaced the <<<< with valid YAML comments:

$data = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse('users:
80679a11-1d47-3a0e-8346-4790ee4304fc: # Player Code.
- Admin # Player Group.
name: JamesMarch # Player Nick Name.
56874a35-8f52-5f2c-7843-7788je9670tb: # Player Code.
- Admin # Player Group.
name: Angelow98 # Player Nick Name.
55026444-cb34-3a27-a270-d7d07fccca0a: # Player Code.
- Helper # Player Group.
name: iDatSnoow_ # Player Nick Name.');

Now let's group all players by their first assigned group:

$groups = array();
foreach ($data['users'] as $playerCode => $player) {
$firstGroupName = $player['group'][0];
$groups[$firstGroupName][$playerCode] = $player;

$groups now looks like this:

[Admin] => Array
[80679a11-1d47-3a0e-8346-4790ee4304fc] => Array
[group] => Array
[0] => Admin
[options] => Array
[name] => JamesMarch
[56874a35-8f52-5f2c-7843-7788je9670tb] => Array
[group] => Array
[0] => Admin
[options] => Array
[name] => Angelow98

[Helper] => Array
[55026444-cb34-3a27-a270-d7d07fccca0a] => Array
[group] => Array
[0] => Helper

[options] => Array
[name] => iDatSnoow_

If you pass that array to a PHP template, you could achieve your output like this:

<?php foreach($groups as $group => $players): ?>
<h1><?= $group ?></h1>
<?php foreach ($players as $playerCode => $player): ?>
<p><?= $player['options']['name'] ?> </p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Parsing YAML file with PHP does not dump manipulated array back into correct YAML format

When you modify your array, you're removing elements without reindexing. Then yaml_emit gets an array with a missing key, so it will try to make that weird syntax. I'm not aware if this is a bug on the library or the desired behavior.

To get the output you want, change these line (2 occurrences):

// Before
$landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);

// After
$landAfterDump = yaml_emit(array_values($array));

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