Can't Insert Russian Text into MySQL Database

Can't insert cyrillic text into mysql database

Try calling mysql_set_charset('utf8'); after connecting to the database. I think it's similar to executing a SET NAMES query, but since the PHP manual says using that function over a SET NAMES query is recommended, I'd try it.

Also, when you display your content, you could try echo htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

Can't insert russian language into mysql


You have try to change method at insert time setNString in displayname Dont Change in database...!

try This way

Connection connect = null;
Statement statement = null;
try {
connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://"+databaseName+"?user="+username+"&password="+password);
PreparedStatement prep = connect.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO t_languagetable (id,languagecode,displayname) VALUES (?,?,?)");

System.out.println("Data Inserted.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("problem during the connection with the database!"+e);

MySQL. Can't insert russian characters into column with a type VARCHAR(45)

The CHARACTER SET for the table is the default for columns in the table. Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE so we can verify what the columns are set to.

What is the encoding of the bytes in the client? cp1251 is different than utf8; utf8mb4 == utf8 for Russian.

In what way are things bad? Based on the symptom, see this for specific tips on what else might be set incorrectly.

Perhaps it was your change to NVARCHAR that forced CHARACTER SET utf8 on the columns?

Insert Russian characters mysql

I guess you aren't checking the return value of mysqli::set_charset(). It must be returning false because utf-8 is not a valid encoding name in MySQL; the correct name is utf8 (no dash). Or, even better, utf8mb4.

You can get a list of supported encodings with:


Can't insert russian language into mysql


You have try to change method at insert time setNString in displayname Dont Change in database...!

try This way

Connection connect = null;
Statement statement = null;
try {
connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://"+databaseName+"?user="+username+"&password="+password);
PreparedStatement prep = connect.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO t_languagetable (id,languagecode,displayname) VALUES (?,?,?)");

System.out.println("Data Inserted.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("problem during the connection with the database!"+e);

Bulk insert string containing Russian

I have kept this question rather than deleting it so someone may find the answer helpful.

The reason I was struggling was because in SQLYog it doesn't show you the column Charset by default. There is an option which reads "Hide language options" on the Alter table view which will then reveal that when SQLyog creates a table it uses the default server Charset as opposed to what you define the table Charset to be. I'm not sure if thats correct - but the solution simply is to turn on the Column Charset settings and check they match what you are expecting.

MySQL - Russian characters display incorectly

  1. Make sure the database charset/collation is UTF-8
  2. On the page you insert these russian characters ( the form, textarea ), make sure the encoding is UTF-8, by setting Content-Type to text/html; charset=utf-8. Enter in russian text directly to the form input.
  3. On the processing page that handles this form, which inserts it into the database, make sure to do SET NAMES utf8 so it's stored as UTF-8 before you insert the data, in a separate query beforehand.
  4. When you render the content from the database in a view, make sure the Content-Type is text/html; charset=utf-8.

Make sure that the content-type is not windows-1251 or iso-8859-1/latin1. Make sure the database charset/collation is NOT ISO-8859-1/Latin1.

Java Can't insert a UTF-8 cyrillic string into MySQL

Do the editor (IDE) and the javac compiler use the same encoding? The javac option is -encoding UTF-8. Otherwise there is a wrong conversion for string literals. One can try with "\u0420\u0430\u0443\u043D\u0434". If that works, then there is an issue with the encoding of the .java.

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