Best Way to Check for Positive Integer (Php)

Best way to check for positive integer (PHP)?

the difference between your two code snippets is that is_numeric($i) also returns true if $i is a numeric string, but is_int($i) only returns true if $i is an integer and not if $i is an integer string. That is why you should use the first code snippet if you also want to return true if $i is an integer string (e.g. if $i == "19" and not $i == 19).

See these references for more information:

php is_numeric function

php is_int function

Shortest way to check if a variable contains positive integer using PHP?

Something like this should work. Cast the value to an integer and compare it with its original form (As we use == rather than === PHP ignores the type when checking equality). Then as we know it is an integer we test that it is > 0. (Depending on your definition of positive you may want >= 0)

$num = "20";

if ( (int)$num == $num && (int)$num > 0 )

Check if variable is a number and positive integer in PHP?

To check if a string input is a positive integer, i always use the function ctype_digit. This is much easier to understand and faster than a regular expression.

if (isset($_GET['p']) && ctype_digit($_GET['p']))
// the get input contains a positive number and is safe

PHP - Check for positive / negative numeric strings

Your problem is because: (int)"+2.1" == 2 and 2 != "+2.1". For ALL numbers, if it is < 0 it is negative and if it is > 0 it is positive. If it is == 0, then it is obviously 0 which is unsigned.

function check_numb($Degree){
if ( $Degree > 0 ) {
return 'Positive';
} elseif( $Degree < 0 ) {
return 'Negative';

How to check a query string is a positive integer in PHP

OK, if you need int values use ctype_digit()

if (! (ctype_digit($url_segments['cid']) and ctype_digit($url_segments['bid']))
and (ctype_digit($url_segments['cid'])<=0 or ctype_digit($url_segments['bid'])<=0) ) {


php How to check if an array of numbers are all positive

Could you just use min to get the desired result?

return min($array) >= 0

PHP: Best way to check if input is a valid number?

ctype_digit was built precisely for this purpose.

How can I find whether 0 is integer or not in php

i'm recommendation to use you with is_numeric

if (is_numeric(0)) { echo "Yes"; } else { echo "No"; } 


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