PHP Include for HTML

PHP Include for HTML?

You can use php code in files with extension .php and only there (iff other is not defined in your server settings).

Just rename your file *.html to *.php

If you want to allow php code processing in files of different format, you have two options to do that:

1) Modifying httpd.conf to allow this for all projects on your server, by adding:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .htm .html

2) Creating .htaccess file in your separate project top directory with:

<Files />
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

For second option you need to allow use of .htaccess files in your httpd.conf, by adding the following settings:

AllowOverride All
AccessFileName .htaccess

*that is correct for Apache HTTP Server

Include html pages in a php file

Your code (syntax and idea with including html) is fine. That should work.

You have to search for problems somewhere else.

Maybe you have a problem with:

  • web server configuration (virtual hosts, directories etc.)
  • wrong url / wrong server (refreshing some web server url, but you work on local XAMPP)
  • file permissions (however apache normally should report error in that case)

Looking at web server error logs may help.

How to include html files like include in php?

You can use jQuery:


<div id="container"></div>



Learn more about the load function and what more you can do with it in the documentation.

Use of php Include in html files

Try using this:

AddHandler x-httpd-php5-cgi .html

See here:

include php file in echo html code

For this to work, your other php file must simply echo some string.


echo "What came first the chicken or the egg?";


echo "<a href='";
echo "'>" . $item['stockid'] . "</a>";

hope this helps you.

Include a PHP file inside an HTML file

Edit the .htaccess file
How? Well, here’s what you should do:

Go to your Document root or WWW root directory or folder; it commonly looks like this:

Look for the file named .htaccess. If it’s not there, create a blank page using a regular text editor like Notepad and save the file as .htaccess – the file name includes that little dot in the front.

Now edit this file by adding the following lines:

RemoveHandler .html .htm
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm

Save and close the .htaccess file. Upload it to your web server (to your Document/WWW root) and that’s it!

Sample PHP code in a .HTML webpage
Now create a test file and name it test.html

Copy the following HTML (containing PHP code) into it:


<?php echo "I LOVE PHP!"; ?>

Upload it to your web server and view it with your favourite browser. You will see that it works just fine.

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