Phpmailer - How to Remove Recipients

phpMailer - How do you Remove Recipients

You can use clearAllRecipients( )

$mailer->clearAllRecipients( ); // clear all

PHPMailer shows all recipients in the list when sending an email?

You are adding the addresses to the same object, so they are being accumulated. Try deleting each address after sending the message to it:

foreach ($id as $item) {
$mail->Subject = $correo['mailAsunto'];
$mail->Body = $correo['mailMensaje'];
if(!$mail->send()) {
echo 'Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo 'Mail sent to '.$item.'<br>';
$mail->ClearAllRecipients(); ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

PhpMailer, ClearAddresses() won't work, message get sent to everyone

In your code, change:




This should fix the problem.

PHPMailer: Send emails to multiple recipients error

@Natrium nearly had it. You're not accessing your array elements correctly. Do it like this:

foreach ($emailto as $contacts) {

It's also a good idea to check return values, perhaps:

foreach ($emailto as $contacts) {
if (!$mail->addAddress($contacts['email'])) {
echo 'Address rejected: '.$contacts['email'];

how to send two different messages to two different users phpmailer

You need to clear the recipients list before you add the new address for the second message. If you don't do that, the first recipient will receive the second message as well:

$mail->Body =$message1;

//message for admin

// Remove previous recipients
// alternative in this case (only addresses, no cc, bcc):
// $mail->ClearAddresses();

$mail->Body =$message2;
//$adminemail = $generalsettings[0]["admin_email"];

// Add the admin address

PHPmailer multiple recipients error

Dig into the source code. Edit PHPMailer.php and find "function MailSend". (In 5.0.2, it's around line 564.)

In said function, remove the @ error suppressor from each call to mail(). Make sure error_reporting is set to something reasonable for debugging. When developing, choose something like this:

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

See if PHP shows any errors. PHPMailer only throws the instantiate exception when the last call to mail() returns something falsey, or if $rt never gets set, which would mean that if ($this->Sender != '' && strlen(ini_get('safe_mode'))< 1) evaluates to true.

Are you using safe mode? What do PHP Mailer $mailer->Sender and ini_get('safe_mode') say? (My guess: if you are not running in safe mode, but have it set to something like Off, this code would return true.)

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