Laravel Says "Route Not Defined"

Laravel says Route not defined

The route() method, which is called when you do ['route' => 'someroute'] in a form opening, wants what's called a named route. You give a route a name like this:

'as' => 'user.preferences.update',
'uses' => 'UserController@update'

That is, you make the second argument of the route into an array, where you specify both the route name (the as), and also what to do when the route is hit (the uses).

Then, when you open the form, you call the route:

{!! Form::model(Auth::user(), [
'method' => 'PATCH',
'route' => ['user.preferences.update', Auth::user()->id]
]) !!}

Now, for a route without parameters, you could just do 'route' => 'routename', but since you have a parameter, you make an array instead and supply the parameters in order.

All that said, since you appear to be updating the current user's preferences, I would advise you to let the handling controller check the id of the currently logged-in user, and base the updating on that - there's no need to send in the id in the url and the route unless your users should need to update the preferences of other users as well. :)

What is the cause of the route not defined error in this Laravel 8 application?

The route() function accepts a name, not a URL:

So you should have used route('update'). Though seeing your code, you might not realize the ->name() method should accept a unique route name. So you should make sure you don't have any other route named 'update'.

Some people do this: ->name('dashboard.profile.update'). You can see if you like this convention.

Laravel route not defined error when it is clearly defined

Route::post('/become-a-customer', 'BecomeACustomerFormController@postBecomeACustomer')->name('become-a-customer');

LARAVEL 9 Route [posts.all] not defined error

you are grouping everything with the dashboard name.


So your route name ends up being dashboardposts.all, this can be debugged with php artisan route:list.

Assuming you want this structure, i would add a dash between dashboard and posts name, by calling the first name group.


Then access it like so.


Route is not defined Inertia.js

The Redirect::route() method expects a named route, which you have not defined in your routes/web.php file.

In order to use a named route, you need to change your route to:

Route::get('/management', function () {
return Inertia::render('Management');
})->name('management'); // added

After that, you can redirect to named routes in Inertia like so:

return Redirect::route('management');

Since we're using named routes, and not URLs, you should not include the leading / in your route() call.

Laravel route not defined in redirect

Try to just return the view with different path.

Route::get('/test', function () {  
return view('home');

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