Templating in Laravel

Templating in Laravel

You are mixing two different layout approaches of Laravel.
This way you are rendering the layout view, include the home view and try to include inside again the layout.

My personal preference is the controller approach.

Controller Layouts

The controller and the layouts can remain the same.

Note: As a shortcut you could nest the content instead of View::make, that automaically renders it when you echo it out in the layout.

In home.blade.php remove the @layout function.

Edit (example):


class Home_Controller extends Base_Controller {
public $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function action_index()
$this->layout->title = 'title';
$this->layout->nest('content', 'home', array(
'data' => $some_data


<title>{{ $title }}</title>
{{ $content }}


Partials are included in the content.

{{ $data }}

Blade Layouts

If you want this approach you have a few problems there. First, you are including new content after the layout. Not sure if intentional, but the @layout function itself is basicly just an @include restricted to be at the very beginning of the view. So if your layout is a closed html, any include after that will be appended after your html layout.

Your content should use sections here with the @section function and @yield it in your layout. The header and footer could be included in the layout with @include or if you want to define it in the content view then put those in a @section too, like below. If you define it that way if a section doesn't exist nothing gets yielded.


class Home_Controller extends Base_Controller {
public function action_index()
return View::make('home')->with('title', 'title');




header here or @include it

How @include works in blade templating in Laravel

The blade template engine works by turning blade-html files into php-html files. @include will be replaced only once e.g.

<!-- parts/post.blade.php -->
<p>This is my post: {{$post}} </p>

<!-- some-template.blade.php -->
@foreach($posts as $post)

Will be rendered into the following php-html code and saved into a view file (see storage/framework/views if you want to see this):

<?php for($posts as post){ ?>
<p>This is my post: <?php echo($post); ?> </p>
<?php } ?>

How can i template a partial in Laravel?

Blade does allow for this out of the box.

Layouts ( Docs )

<!-- Stored in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->

<title>App Name - @yield('title')</title>
This is the master sidebar.

<div class="container">

includes (Docs)

You can then add smaller templates to your layout using includes

@include('view.name', ['some' => 'data'])

Components (Docs)

And finally, if you want you have even more control, try components.

Note: Components are now a little more complicated than they were but are still backward compatible. So you can still define components like so:

modal.blade (Component)

<!-- Modal -->
class="modal fade {{ $class ?? '' }}"
id="{{ $id }}"
aria-labelledby="{{ $id }}Title"
<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered {{ $size ?? '' }}" role="document">
<div class="modal-content shadow">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title font-weight-normal" id="{{ $id }}Title">
{{ $title }}
<button type="button" class="close close-icon" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
@if ($form) {{ $action }} @endif
<div class="modal-body">
{{ $body }}
<div class="modal-footer">
{{ $footer }}
@if ($form) {!! Form::close() !!} @endif


@component('components.modal', [
'id' => 'myModalID',
'class' => 'modal-info',
'form' => true
My Modal

{!! Form::open([]) !!}

Some content

<button type="submit" class="btn">

Laravel Blade Template

You don't use Laravel blade syntax when passing variables.

@section('title', $category->name)

Remember that anything inside {{}} or passed as a @func() variable is interpreted by PHP literally.

laravel blade template not rendering

You want to be using @include('layouts.header') rather than @yield.

@yield is what you use on a master template to specify where content will go that you can then define on a child view.

@include "allows you to easily include a Blade view from within an existing view." - https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/blade

How to make php layouts in Laravel 5?

There are many methodologies that deal with handling templates.

Here are few,

1. Using a regular include or require

You can include the header.php , sidebar.php and footer.php and as many files that you prefer for each sector(It depends on the size of the template)

2. Using a common file and having classes inside it

Include a single file and call the classes to render each area


class Head {
public function render($_page, $_data) {

3. Use a Templating Engine

You shall prefer few templating engine like smart, raintpl etc., (I guess you don't prefer it ;) )

4. Acquiring by inc

You can include as suggested here

<body>Hey <?=$this->name?></body>

And the php area would be

$view = new Template();
$view->title="Hello World app";
$view->properties['name'] = "Jude";
echo $view->render('hello.inc');

5. By having template segments in db

Believe me, I saw many good sites which stores the template in the database and it will be rendered each time. It might look like strange idea, but even i tried it for one of my project.

Conclusion :

But if i use Laravel, for sure i will prefer the Blading Tempalte Engine and I recommend you the same.

Update :

Few benefits of Using Blade Templates

1. Easy Setting of attributes

Set the attributes on the go

<title>App Name - @yield('title')</title>

2. Easy yielding

This is the master sidebar.

<div class="container">

3. Simple echoing

Like this

Hello, {{ $name }}

4. Easy Condition

Like this

{{ isset($name) ? $name : 'Default' }}

5. Never Escape

Like this

Hello, {!! $name !!}.

6. Beautiful If Statements

I prefer this way to make my code more beautiful

@if (count($records) === 1)
I have one record!
@elseif (count($records) > 1)
I have multiple records!
I don't have any records!

7. Checking Authentication

The simplest way to check the authentication

@unless (Auth::check())
You are not signed in.

8. Easy For Loop

How this for loop looks like

@for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
The current value is {{ $i }}

9. Awesome foreach statement

Splitting the key and value can't be more easy than this

@foreach ($users as $user)
<p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>

10. Include the files

How about include file like this


11. Passing parameters to views

Can Pass this array to your view

@include('view.name', ['some' => 'data'])

Source : Laravel Templates

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