Php: Whats the Total Length of a Post Global Variable

PHP: whats the total length of a post global variable?

Check your php.ini for post_max_size. This is typically about 8mb by default, but if you're on shared-hosting, it could definitely vary.

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 8M

You'll have to use $_POST if you wish to send large amounts of data to the server. For further study, I'd suggest checking out POST Method Uploads in the documentation.

What is the max size of a single POST variable in PHP?

You need to change your php.ini file

post_max_size = 16M
upload_max_filesize = 16M
memory_limit = 128M

Change these value in php.ini if you've access to it, otherwise you can try to change them in an .htaccess file.

php_value upload_max_filesize 16M
php_value post_max_size 16M

This will work only if the AllowOverride settings permit it. Otherwise, you've to ask to your hosting company.

What is the size limit of a post request?

It depends on a server configuration. If you're working with PHP under Linux or similar, you can control it using .htaccess configuration file, like so:

#set max post size
php_value post_max_size 20M

And, yes, I can personally attest to the fact that this works :)

If you're using IIS, I don't have any idea how you'd set this particular value.

Global variable or pass variable in PHP? (performance)

The global variable will probably be faster, but not in a way that it's detectable unless you microbenchmark it. So base your decisions on which code is more readable/maintainable (which will be passing the variable in almost all cases), not some speed advantage you'll normally never notice.

Where is global variables like $_GLOBAL , $_POST etc stored?

The values of $_POST internally are created inside php_auto_globals_create_post() and made available via PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_POST], which is just a way to reference http_globals.

The definition of aforementioned http_globals tells us that it's an array of zval * elements, one for each $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, etc. (arrays are also stored inside a zval container).

Allocating a zval is done via ALLOC_ZVAL(), which calls the following functions:

  1. _emalloc()
  2. _malloc()

The malloc() function allocates memory on the heap, so therefore the answer is heap.

How to create a global variable and use it in other pages?

$GLOBALS are global in all scopes throughout a script.

To pass the value to another page:

  • use $_POST
  • use Session (server-side )
  • use cookies(client-side)

How to make global variables in php

Your question is kinda ambiguous for me. If you mean setting a variable from one file then making it available from all your php files you can put it in one file then include the file it in all your scripts. Put it on the top. Or you can put it inside an $_SESSION variable. This is the simplest solution I know. :)

Sample: Assuming all files are in the root directory


$globalVar = 2;
$_SESSION['global_var'] = 2; // if a session exists


include 'vars.php';
echo $globalVar; //outputs 2
echo $_SESSION['global_var']; //outputs 2

I'm not sure if this is what you are trying to achieve :D

What is the most efficient way of handling global variables in PHP?

Global variables are not considered a bad practice because of memory usage or processor cost. It's because of the problems that allowing any part of your program to modify them may cause. With the time, it becomes hard to understand which parts of the program read or write to your global variables.

How to use GLOBALS in php to post form data

So I made a config.php file and declared GLOBALS['project_name'] = 'project_name'; in it.

When calling this, I only call it using $project_name;

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