When Should the Option Remainafterexit Needs to Be Set True When Creating New Systemd Services

What is the difference between systemd's 'oneshot' and 'simple' service types?

The Type=oneshot service unit:

  • blocks on a start operation until the first process exits, and its state will be reported as "activating";

  • once the first process exits, transitions from "activating" straight to "inactive", unless RemainAfterExit=true is set (in which case it becomes "active" with no processes!);

  • may have any number (0 or more) of ExecStart= directives which will be executed sequentially (waiting for each started process to exit before starting the next one);

  • may leave out ExecStart= but have ExecStop= (useful together with RemainAfterExit=true for arranging things to run on system shutdown).

The Type=simple service unit:

  • does not block on a start operation (i. e. becomes "active" immediately after forking off the first process, even if it is still initializing!);

  • once the first process exits, transitions from "active" to "inactive" (there is no RemainAfterExit= option);

  • is generally discouraged because there is no way to distinguish situations like "exited on start because of a configuration error" from "crashed after 500ms of runtime" and suchlike.

Both Type=oneshot and Type=simple units:

  • ignore any children of the first process, so do not use these modes with forking processes (note: you may use Type=oneshot with KillMode=none, but only do this if you know what you are doing).

which systemd TYPE of service to use at machine start i some code has to stay forever

Do not use nohup. Do not use &. Do not wrap your script in another script. Doing either of these first two things stops systemd from detecting when your program crashed and restarting it, and the third complicates signal handling.

Do use Restart=always. Do create an Install section, and configure your service to be a dependency of a target that is started on boot.

Description=R4 start



...where run-poll-loop is executable (chmod +x) and contains your logic (note, command names should not have extensions; .sh is bad practice):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
while :; do
# ...do whatever you need here...
sleep 5

Note that for a slower delay than every-5-seconds, I would suggest a systemd timer running a oneshot service that only does a single iteration of the loop each time; but for this short a timer, that would add up to quite a bit of process-startup overhead.

ExecStart bash script fails; However, running it manually works

So, after playing around with virtualenv I finally made it work! Previously, when running ./vmx.sh script, it would require the system to use Python2.7; however, every time my host would reboot, if I wanted to fully automate the boot of all of my VMs, I would require to change the PATH of Python by running manually the following command onto my terminal:

echo 'export PATH=/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin:$PATH' >> /etc/profile
export PATH
cd /opt/rh/python27/ && . enable && pip install netifaces pyyaml

Instead of running the previous commands from a .sh script, which ended up not working for me, It was pointed out that "Python-related path tweaks, will not be available for the subsequent ExecStart commands". For that reason, I did the following:

  1. Instead of running scl enable python27 bash (which would make as default my Python Version until you logout), I decided to keep the changes by creating a script under /etc/profile.d/
source scl_source enable python27

  1. I installed virtualenv pip install virtualenv

  2. Created a virtual environment virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 vMX-ENV which I would use to install all my packages and scripts to install my VMs

  3. Activated my Virtual Environment source /home/vMX-ENV/bin/activate

  4. Created a Directory (vMX-*) where ./vmx.sh script will be located.

# ls
bin lib lib64 pyvenv.cfg vMX-21.1R1

  1. Inside of that Directory, I created a bash script that will be initiated by the service when on boot, I called it: pyrun.sh, this script runs the ./vmx.sh script "Credit: AKX"

source /home/vMX-ENV/bin/activate
./vmx.sh -lv --start --cfg config/pod17/vmx1.conf
# ...

  1. Created the vmxd.service and ExecStart=/bin/bash -c './pyrun.sh'

By creating a virtualenv I was able to isolate my Python project by only creating a unique environment with all the needed packages and running only Python2.7 which is required to run ./vmx.sh

After rebooting the host, here is the journalctl -u vmxd.service successful output as a result:

Starting Juniper vMX Router...
Welcome to VMX

Execute multiple commands with && in systemd service ExecStart on RedHat 7.9

The command line is not given to a shell, so && is not valid. You would need, for example,

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'sleep 45 && /bin/bash bin/eum.sh start'

or you could separate the commands into

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 45
ExecStart=/bin/bash bin/eum.sh start

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