Pause Programmatically Video Player Mpv

Pause programmatically video player mpv

To control mpv remotely (eg from another terminal session) you can also start it with the option


and control it by issuing commands like this:

echo '{ "command": ["set_property", "pause", true] }' | socat - /tmp/mpvsocket

See man mpv for (many) more details.

edit: see also mpv --list-properties

edit2: The most simple way I've found to "toggle" pause/play is

{"command": ["cycle", "pause"]}

Is it possible force playback as realtime in MPV?

I've been using mpv --profile=low-latency --untimed to lower the delay.

Using mpv for video background on multiple monitors

You can check out this video for multiple monitors

And this Reddit post in case you are only interested in a single monitor config.

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