Bash Script to Get All Ip Addresses

Bash script to get all IP addresses

There's no need for grep. Here's one way using awk:

List only addr:

ifconfig | awk -F "[: ]+" '/inet addr:/ { if ($4 != "") print $4 }'

List device and addr:

ifconfig | awk -v RS="\n\n" '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == "inet" && $(i+1) ~ /^addr:/) address = substr($(i+1), 6); if (address != "") printf "%s\t%s\n", $1, address }'

Linux bash script to extract IP address

To just get your IP address:

echo `ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null|awk '/inet addr:/ {print $2}'|sed 's/addr://'`

This will give you the IP address of eth0.

Edit: Due to name changes of interfaces in recent versions of Ubuntu, this doesn't work anymore. Instead, you could just use this:

hostname --all-ip-addresses or hostname -I, which does the same thing (gives you ALL IP addresses of the host).

How to get all of the IP addresses in a string into a bash array

I ended up being able to do it by using awk:

IPAddresses=($(dig redis A | grep redis | grep -E '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | awk '{print $5}'))

The IPAddresses array has all of the IP addresses in it, and can be printed out by executing echo "${IPAddresses[@]}"

How to launch a script for a list of ip addresses (bash script)

while read -r line; do
echo -e "$line\n"
sshpass -p 'Password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$line -t \
"cd /exemple/ && sh;exec \$SHELL -l"
sleep 5
done < Ip.txt

Now, we could have a discussion about using sshpass (or rather, why you shouldn't), but it feels out of scope.

So, all commands you wish to be looped over need to be inside the loop.
As you read sets the variable $line, that is what you need to use. In your example, you used the variable $ip which you haven't set anywhere.

Can anyone help me to write a bash script to list all ip address in network and save in a file?

 nmap -sn $1"/"$2 | awk '/report for/ { print $5 }' > ipadds

This will give you an easy list of all the active hosts on the network using a given ip address and sbnet prefix.

Using Bash to Extract IP Addresses From Each Line of Log File

To print IPs next to each other, try the below command:

cat first | grep -o '[0-9]\{0,3\}\.[0-9]\{0,3\}\.[0-9]\{0,3\}\.[0-9]\{0,3\}' | awk 'NR%2{printf $0"\t";next;}1' 

Bash script find sequence numbers of ip address

Would you please try the bash script:


report() {
local seg=${1%.*}
for (( i = $2 - 2; i <= $2; i++ )); do
echo "$seg.$i"

prev=255 # initial value as a workaround
while IFS= read -r ip; do
n=${ip##*.} # extract the last octet
if (( n == prev + 1 )); then
(( count++ ))
if (( count >= 2 )); then # found three sequences
report "$ip" "$n" # then report them
count=0 # reset the count if fail
done < <(tr -s ' ' '\n' < input_file.txt | sort -t. -nk4,4)

where input_file.txt is the filename which contain the ip addresses.

Output with the provided file:
  • tr -s ' ' '\n' replaces the whitespaces with newline characters so the
    output can be fed to sort command.
  • sort -t. -nk4,4 sorts the input with the last octet in numerical order.
  • The output is fed to the while loop via the process substitution
    < <(commands).
  • Now the while loop process the input line by line (ip by ip).
  • The variable n is assigned to the last (4th) octet.
  • n is compared with the prev which holds the number in the last line.
    If n == prev + 1 holds, the numbers are in sequence.
    Then count is accumulated.
  • If count reaches 2, the three lines including the current line
    are in the sequence. Then parameters are passed to the function report.

Linux Bash: List interfaces with IPs and Mac addresses

Write a script like this:


printf '%10s %32s %32s\n' interface ipaddress macaddress
printf '%s\n' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
for each in $(ip address | grep -oP '(^[\d]+:\s)\K[\d\w]+'); do
mac=$(ip address show ${each} | grep -oP '(?<=link/ether\s)\K[\da-f:]+|(?<=link/loopback\s)\K[\da-f:]+')
for address in $(ip address show ${each} | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\K[\d.]+|(?<=inet6\s)\K[\da-f:]+'); do
printf '%10s %32s %32s\n' ${each} ${address} ${mac}


 interface                        ipaddress                       macaddress
lo 00:00:00:00:00:00
lo ::1 00:00:00:00:00:00
wlo1 c8:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
wlo1 fe80::7aec:8287:9f45:d833 c8:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
docker0 02:42:0d:0d:0d:0d
tap0 16:50:cc:cc:cc:cc
tap0 fe80::10a9:d3ff:fece:57d7 16:50:cc:cc:cc:cc

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