Bash And/Or .Bashrc Not Working Properly After Su or Ssh Login Unless Run "Bash" Command

BASH and/or .BASHRC not working properly after SU or SSH login unless run bash command

If, in fact, your shell isn't bash, you can try to change it like so:

usermod -s /bin/bash mikey

If /bin/bash is the location of bash on that system.

Unable to switch to root user after ssh into the instance using shell script

"sudo su - & ${script}; "

expands to:

sudo su - & whoami && pwd && ...

First sudo su - is run in the background. Then the command chain is executed.

 sudo su -c ${script}; 

expands to:

 sudo su -c whoami && pwd && ...

So first sudo su - whoami is executed, which runs whoami as root. Then if this command is successful, then pwd is executed. As normal user.

It is utterly hard to correctly pass commands to execute on remote site using ssh. It is increasingly hard to do it with sudo su - the command will be triple (or twice?) word splitted - one time by ssh, then by the shell, then by the shell run by sudo su.

If you do not need interactive communication, it's best to use a here document with -s shell option, something along (untested):

# DO NOT store commands to use in a variable.
# or if you do and you know what you are doing, properly quote it (printf "%q ") and run it via eval
script() {
set -euo pipefail
ls -la
mv "$buildVersion" "$buildPathToStore"
find "$buildPathToStore" | grep deb9

ssh ... "sudo bash -s" <<EOF
echo "Yay! anything here!"
echo "Note that here document delimiter is not quoted!"
# safely import context to work with
# note how command substitution is executed on host side
declare -f script
# pass variables too!
declare -p buildVersion buildPathToStore buildPathToStore


Take bash startup file(s) with you into ssh?

In my ~/.ssh/config I have an entry to choose the remote session file to use when log on in a server. In my case I use a specific rc file instead of .bashrc.

Host *
LocalCommand scp ~/.remote_bashrc %r@%n:/home/%r
RemoteCommand bash --rcfile "~/.remote_bashrc"

First, one copies the file to the remote.

Second, one uses it as shell session configuration.

Source bashrc in WSL in a non-interactive, non-login shell

Well, I've noodled on this on-and-off for several days to see if I could come up with a better solution. Nothing I can think of is optimal, but I think I ended up pretty close.

To restate/frame the problem:

  • You need a WSL distribution to run a certain interactive command (keychain) that loads its environment variables into the user's WSL/Bash session. This needs to happen to load the key into ssh-agent so that wsl git commands in IntelliJ will work with your plugin.

  • keychain will ask for a password for the key to be loaded if one is required.

  • keychain will output the environment variables needed for ssh-agent in a format that can be evaluated/sourced back into the Bash session.

    (Side-note: It's really lucky that I've been using keychain for a couple of decades now, so I know its process flow fairly well).

  • When run with wsl git ..., WSL launches the shell (Bash) as a non-interactive, non-login shell, so ~/.bashrc is not processed. Because of this, even if the key had been previously loaded into ssh-agent (by keychain), the Bash session does not have the proper SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID.

As a result of this, the git commands in your plugin are likely to fail for the user, since they require key-based authentication.

I think the above at least captures the spirit of the problem you are trying to solve.

Unfortunately, there's just no method that I'm aware of to force Bash to load its startup files when it is a non-interactive, non-login shell other than things that would modify the WSL command-line.

Proposed workaround - $WSLENV chain-loading IntelliJ

This is "pretty close" to optimal, I believe. Your users would need to launch IntelliJ through WSL and use the $WSLENV feature to pass through the correct environment variables. This could be done interactively or through ~/.bashrc.

Add the following to ~/.bashrc:

eval $(keychain --eval ~/.ssh/<keyfile>)

With this in place, you should be able to run:

wsl -e bash -lic /path/to/intellij.exe

It will ask for the key password and (as normal) add the SSH_AGENT_PID/SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variables to the shell session. It will also add those variable names to $WSLENV, so that they are passed to any Windows process launched from inside WSL.

When the IntelliJ Windows executable is launched this way, the three variables will also be available in its environment:


And when IntelliJ then runs wsl git ..., those three variables will also be passed back into WSL, so that git will be able to access the key from ssh-agent.

While I don't have IntelliJ, I've tested this successfully using:

wsl -e bash -lic pwsh.exe # or powershell.exe

Then, from PowerShell:

> $env:WSLENV



> cd some-dir
> wsl git clone "<private_repo>"

It worked as expected.

Other options

This is actually a bit easier if your users are using (or open to using) some shells other than Bash:

  • The Fish shell startup files that are sourced even for non-login, non-interactive shells plus it supports "universal variables" that allow the SSH_A* variables to automagically be made available to all running (and future) Fish instances.

  • Zsh has a startup file (~/.zshenv) that is sourced for non-login, non-interactive shells. It's a little more complicated than Fish, but it's workable.

I actually started with these as proposed solutions before I found that $WSLENV was a workable solution (that didn't require a shell change). However, if you want to see my write-up on how to do this in Zsh or Fish, just look at the edit history for this answer.

bashrc not loading until run bash command

Read the INVOCATION section from "bash(1)" for full details (that's the man page for bash; use man bash). Your first shell upon logging in is a "login shell", which means that the .bashrc file is not sourced. Your second invocation creates an interactive shell, where .bashrc is sourced.

If you always want the content of your .bashrc file processed, you can add the following lines to your .bash_profile file, creating that file if it does not already exist:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

Per its man page, bash "[...] looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable." Conventions and policies of your local system will determine which, if any, of these files already exist.

A word of caution: be aware that creating a new .bash_profile in your home directory could have the unintended side-effect of preventing the reading and executing of commands in a .bash_login or .profile file already present, changing further the behavior of subsequent logins.

Run ssh and immediately execute command

ssh -t 'command; bash -l'

will execute the command and then start up a login shell when it completes. For example:

ssh -t user@domain.example 'cd /some/path; bash -l'

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