Cannot Create Backup File(Add ! to Overwrite)

Vim error E510: Can't make backup file (add ! to override)

Kill the spaces around =

set backupdir=D:\\VimTemp

should work if you've created the directory.

VIM error E510 Can't make backup file despite nobackup

Vim still writes a backup file to protect from failures during writing. This backup file is deleted after writing was successful. It can be disabled, but if writing fails then, the file is destroyed.

Read about it with :help 'writebackup' and :help backup.

Before disabling all the backup stuff, you might want to check the option backupdir. With it you can define a central directory, where all backup files are stored. So your working directories don't get flooded with *~-files. See :help backupdir.

BTW: With disabling swapfile, Vim cannot recover after a crash. I hope you know what you are doing.

Purging file from Git repo failed, unable to create new backup

You have already performed a filter-branch operation. After filter-branch, Git keeps refs to the old commits around, in case something goes wrong.

You can find those in .git/refs/original/…. Either delete that directory and all files within, or use the -f flag to force Git to delete the old references.

git filter-branch -f \
--index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch Rakefile' HEAD

Backup a single file and overwrite if it exists with batch file in Windows

Add rhis to your CMD script:

SET "_HostFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\ETC\Hosts"
IF EXIST "%_Hostfile%.bak" (
DEL /F "%_Hostfile%.bak" )
Copy "%_Hostfile%" "%_Hostfile%.bak"

Is file overwriting in Java safe?

I don't know if Java has any mechanisms to prevent corrupted data in the event of a power outage, but you can follow steps to minimize the impact.

Let's say you have a file called important.xml that you want to write to. You can do this:

  1. Copy important.xml as important.xml.old.
  2. Write the new data to
  3. Copy to important.xml.
  4. Delete important.xml.old.

This way, if the power goes out during this process, there will always be at least one copy of the old data, either in important.xml or in important.xml.old, depending on when exactly the outage occurred.

You can then add logging to determine when exactly the outage occurred, so that you can recover the data if necessary.

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