Ubuntu Based Docker-Machine Image

Ubuntu based docker-machine image

You could take advantage of the --virtualbox-boot2docker-url option.

This issue illustrates its usage (with an iso which is not a TinyCore one, but a RancherOS one)

docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-boot2docker-url https://releases.rancher.com/os/latest/machine-rancheros.iso rancher

If RancherOS is a bit too bare, you can take some clues from how boot2docker is currently built, and build your own distro.

The key is to remove the parts not needed in order to be able to launch headless VM without using too much memory.

# Remove useless kernel modules, based on unclejack/debian2docker 
RUN cd $ROOTFS/lib/modules && \
rm -rf ./*/kernel/sound/* && \
rm -rf ./*/kernel/drivers/gpu/* && \

How can I create ubuntu based docker host by using docker-machine with VirtualBox?

Is it possible to use docker-machine for creating Ubuntu based docker host on VirtualBox?

Yes, but not with docker-machine directly, which relies on a TinyCore-based linux distribution of 30 Mo only.

You can try and launch a full-fledge Ubuntu VM, and in it follows the regular docker installation for Ubuntu.

How to get list of all docker-machine images for google cloud

Determining a list of available images can be done using the gcloud command line.

--show deprecated indicates you want to see ALL images, not just the latest

--filter= only selects images with a starting name of debian-10-buster

    $ gcloud compute images list --filter="name=debian-10-buster" --show-deprecated
debian-10-buster-v20191115 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191121 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191210 debian-cloud debian-10 READY

You can find additional information in the gcloud Images List documentation.

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