How to Compile Intel MAC Binaries on Linux

Build Apple Silicon binary on Intel machine

We ended up solving solving this and being able to compile darwin-arm64 and debian-aarch64 binaries on GitHub Actions' x86-64 machines.

We pre-compiled all our dependencies for arm64 and linked them statically as well as dynamically.

export RELAY_DEPS_PATH=./build-deps/arm64
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=./build-deps/arm64/lib/pkgconfig

cd ./relay-deps
TARGET=./build-deps make install

cd ./relay
./configure CFLAGS='-target arm64-apple-macos' \
--host=aarch64-apple-darwin \


# Dynamically linked binary
cc --target=arm64-apple-darwin \
${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress \
-o .libs/ -bundle .libs/*.o \
-L$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib -lhiredis -ljemalloc_pic [snip...]

# re-link to standard paths
./relay-deps/utils/macos/ .libs/ /usr/local/lib
cp .libs/ modules/

# Build a statically linked shared object
cc --target=arm64-apple-darwin \
${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress \
-o .libs/ -bundle .libs/*.o \
$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib/libhiredis.a \
$RELAY_DEPS_PATH/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a \


set -e

printUsage() {
echo "$0 <shared-object> <prefix>"
exit 1

if [[ ! -f "$1" || -z "$2" ]]; then
exit 1


links=(libjemalloc libhiredis [snip...])

if [ -z "$PREFIX" ]; then

for link in ${links[@]}; do
FROM=$(otool -L "$INFILE"|grep $link|awk '{print $1}')
FILE=$(basename -- "$FROM")

echo "$FROM -> $TO"
install_name_tool -change "$FROM" "$TO" "$1"

How to build an Intel binary on an M1 Mac from the command line with the standard Apple version of clang?

Intel 32 bit is not executable on macOS since Catalina. Every Mac since 2006, except the original Intel Mac mini with Core Solo processor, is 64 bit capable.

clang -o myTool-x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -arch x86_64 main.c

clang -o myTool-arm64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -arch arm64 main.c

FAT binary:
lipo myTool-x86_64 myTool-arm64 -create -output myTool

Cross compile Go on OSX?

With Go 1.5 they seem to have improved the cross compilation process, meaning it is built in now. No ./make.bash-ing or brew-ing required. The process is described here but for the TLDR-ers (like me) out there: you just set the GOOS and the GOARCH environment variables and run the go build.

For the even lazier copy-pasters (like me) out there, do something like this if you're on a *nix system:

env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -v

You even learned the env trick, which let you set environment variables for that command only, completely free of charge.

How to compile an amd64 binary that uses C on an M1 (arm64) Mac

In my case, I also needed to set CGO_ENABLED to true. The app now compiles fine for amd64 with GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build

(Thanks to this answer)

Compile Linux program from Mac OS X with Free Pascal

Success! If you install Fink and then say

sudo fink install fpc-i386-linux

it will install Free Pascal and everything you need to cross compile. You will then be able to say

/sw/bin/fpc -Tlinux hw.pas

and get a Linux executable.

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