How to Send Esc/Pos Commands to Thermal Printer in Linux

How to generate copies in ESC / POS

This is not possible with ESC/POS. You have to send all data three times if you want three copies.

Python send escpos command to thermal printer character size issue

From reading the docs, it seems to me that you would have to use

b'\x1d' + b'\x21' + b'\x33' 

to get 4 times magnification in height as well as width. The two '3' indicate the magnifications minus one. The first is width, the second is height.

So the problem seems to be that you split width and height into two bytes. They should be collected into one byte.

So, in total:

#ESC @ for initiate the printer
string = b'\x1b\x40'

#GS ! command in the doc corresponding to 4 times character height and width
string = string + b'\x1d' + b'\x21' + b'\x33'
string = string + bytes('hello world')

Or, in another way:

def initialize():
# Code for initialization of the printer.
return b'\x1b\x40'

def magnify(wm, hm):
# Code for magnification of characters.
# wm: Width magnification from 1 to 8. Normal width is 1, double is 2, etc.
# hm: Height magnification from 1 to 8. Normal height is 1, double is 2, etc.
return bytes([0x1d, 16*(wm-1) + (hm-1)])

def text(t, encoding="ascii"):
# Code for sending text.
return bytes(t, encoding)

string = initialize() + magnify(4, 4) + text('hello world')

Change code page with ESC/POS on Birch printer

I emailed Birch-POS support and they say the following:

Please suggest customer to use command \x1F\x1B\x1F\xFF\x49 to set codepage to windows-1251.

Which matches the OPs wireshark comment, quoting:

Using wireshark I managed to get the following HEX dump when setting code page 73 using printer tool: 1f 1b 1f ff 49 ...

Unfortunately, JavaScript (specifically, UTF-8) does not like certain escape sequences over x7F.

The working code should look like this:

var text = 'Привет мир';

// Use QZ's hex mode, which can workaround JavaScript not allowing certain hex values
var data = [
type: 'raw',
format: 'command'
flavor: 'hex',
data: 'x1Fx1Bx1FxFFx49', // Instruct Birch POS: Windows-1251
// data: 'x1Fx1Bx1FxFFx48', // Instruct Birch POS: Windows-1250
text + '\r\n'

// Tell Java to use a strict 8-bit encoding
var config = qz.configs.create('printer_name', { encoding: 'ISO-8859-1' });

qz.print(config, print_data).catch(function(e) {

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