How to Use File Protocol to Access a Directory on Local System

How to specify a local file within html using the file: scheme?

The file: URL scheme refers to a file on the client machine. There is no hostname in the file: scheme; you just provide the path of the file. So, the file on your local machine would be file:///~User/2ndFile.html. Notice the three slashes; the hostname part of the URL is empty, so the slash at the beginning of the path immediately follows the double slash at the beginning of the URL. You will also need to expand the user's path; ~ does no expand in a file: URL. So you would need file:///home/User/2ndFile.html (on most Unixes), file:///Users/User/2ndFile.html (on Mac OS X), or file:///C:/Users/User/2ndFile.html (on Windows).

Many browsers, for security reasons, do not allow linking from a file that is loaded from a server to a local file. So, you may not be able to do this from a page loaded via HTTP; you may only be able to link to file: URLs from other local pages.

How can I create a link to a local file on a locally-run web page?

You need to use the file:/// protocol (yes, that's three slashes) if you want to link to local files.

<a href="file:///C:\Programs\">Link 1</a>
<a href="file:///C:\Videos\lecture.mp4">Link 2</a>

These will never open the file in your local applications automatically. That's for security reasons which I'll cover in the last section. If it opens, it will only ever open in the browser. If your browser can display the file, it will, otherwise it will probably ask you if you want to download the file.

You cannot cross from http(s) to the file protocol

Modern versions of many browsers (e.g. Firefox and Chrome) will refuse to cross from the http(s) protocol to the file protocol to prevent malicious behaviour.

This means a webpage hosted on a website somewhere will never be able to link to files on your hard drive. You'll need to open your webpage locally using the file protocol if you want to do this stuff at all.

Why does it get stuck without file:///?

The first part of a URL is the protocol. A protocol is a few letters, then a colon and two slashes. HTTP:// and FTP:// are valid protocols; C:/ isn't and I'm pretty sure it doesn't even properly resemble one.

C:/ also isn't a valid web address. The browser could assume it's meant to be http://c/ with a blank port specified, but that's going to fail.

Your browser may not assume it's referring to a local file. It has little reason to make that assumption because webpages generally don't try to link to peoples' local files.

So if you want to access local files: tell it to use the file protocol.

Why three slashes?

Because it's part of the File URI scheme. You have the option of specifying a host after the first two slashes. If you skip specifying a host it will just assume you're referring to a file on your own PC. This means file:///C:/etc is a shortcut for file://localhost/C:/etc.

These files will still open in your browser and that is good

Your browser will respond to these files the same way they'd respond to the same file anywhere on the internet. These files will not open in your default file handler (e.g. MS Word or VLC Media Player), and you will not be able to do anything like ask File Explorer to open the file's location.

This is an extremely good thing for your security.

Sites in your browser cannot interact with your operating system very well. If a good site could tell your machine to open lecture.mp4 in VLC.exe, a malicious site could tell it to open virus.bat in CMD.exe. Or it could just tell your machine to run a few Uninstall.exe files or open File Explorer a million times.

This may not be convenient for you, but HTML and browser security weren't really designed for what you're doing. If you want to be able to open lecture.mp4 in VLC.exe consider writing a desktop application instead.

Absolute path to a local file in the user computer

Not from the web browser, a website/app in a browser doesn't know much about the hosts it's hitting besides what the host/webserver tells it. You would have to build the path in the web server code and stick that into the site. If the files being served aren't somewhere under the web server root (like /var/www, or the project directory for something like a Python or Node server, etc.), it's considered unsafe to allow access to other paths, which is why paths absolute from the web server root are common, rather than absolute in terms of the host's storage.

How to launch html using Chrome at --allow-file-access-from-files mode?

Search for the path of your Chrome executable and then, on your cmd, try :

> "C:\PathTo\Chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files


As I see on your question, don't forget that Windows is a little bit similar to Unix, so when you type "chrome ...", cmd will search for Chrome in the PATH, but in general the Chrome folder isn't on the PATH. Also, you don't specify an extension for your executable... So if you move to Chrome's folder, this command will probably work too :

> .\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files

localStorage access from local file

When you are opening the files locally, i.e. using the file:// protocol, as of now the browsers can not determine what is "same domain" so every file is considered a separate domain. Thus you can not use localStorage when you're opening the files.

Here is some more information on the problem in FireFox: . Personally I couldn't find much about Safari on this topic.

You can also look over this: Javascript/HTML Storage Options Under File Protocol (file://) . It might be helpful in your situation.

Local file access with JavaScript

If the user selects a file via <input type="file">, you can read and process that file using the File API.

Reading or writing arbitrary files is not allowed by design. It's a violation of the sandbox. From Wikipedia -> Javascript -> Security:

JavaScript and the DOM provide the
potential for malicious authors to
deliver scripts to run on a client
computer via the web. Browser authors
contain this risk using two
restrictions. First, scripts run in a
sandbox in which they can only perform
web-related actions, not
general-purpose programming tasks like
creating files.

2016 UPDATE: Accessing the filesystem directly is possible via the Filesystem API, which is only supported by Chrome and Opera and may end up not being implemented by other browsers (with the exception of Edge). For details see Kevin's answer.

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