Setting Process Name (As Seen by 'Ps') in Go

Running a command as Administrator using PowerShell?

If the current console is not elevated and the operation you're trying to do requires elevated privileges then you can start powershell with the Run as Administrator option :

PS> Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs

Microsoft Docs: Start-Process

keep external process running after exit

I can't recreate the issue you are having. When I run the sleep command and the goroutine terminates, it is still running when I search for it with ps


  1. Doesn't work running it with the debugger in GoLand.
  2. Except if you enable run as sudo in the debug options window.
  3. Without sudo: either with go run, or with dlv debug or without the debugger in GoLand.
package main

import (

func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("sleep", "99999999")
▶ go run process.go

▶ ps -ax | grep "sleep"
29907 ttys002 0:00.00 sleep 99999999
29925 ttys002 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox sleep


How to kill process on GPUs with PID in nvidia-smi using keyword?

You can grep python in the nvidia-smi and then pass the PID to
the kill -9 command, e.g.

sudo kill -9 $( nvidia-smi | grep 'python' | sed -n
's/|\s*[0-9]\s([0-9])\s.*/\1/p' | sed '/^$/d')

how to keep subprocess running after program exit in golang?

The subprocess should continue to run after your process ends, as long as it ends cleanly, which won't happen if you hit ^C.
What you can do is intercept the signals sent to your process so you can end cleanly.

sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
go func() {
s := <-sigchan
// do anything you need to end program cleanly

package XXX is not in GOROOT when building a Go project

A pretty dumb conclusion (mostly on my part) but my issue came from having done go mod init in each of the folders. after removing go.mod and go.dep from each of the folders I did go mod init in, I could build without issue (through terminal)

Also, my packages in GoLand were not being detected because I had Go Modules enabled in the Settings. I disabled it and GoLand was able to index the external packages and my own packages.

Setting Windows PowerShell environment variables

Changing the actual environment variables can be done by
using the env: namespace / drive information. For example, this
code will update the path environment variable:

$env:Path = "SomeRandomPath";             (replaces existing path) 
$env:Path += ";SomeRandomPath" (appends to existing path)

Making change permanent

There are ways to make environment settings permanent, but
if you are only using them from PowerShell, it's probably
a lot better to use Powershell profiles script.

Everytime a new instance of Powershell starts, it look for specific script files (named profile files) and execute them if they do exist. You can edit one of these profile to customize your enviroment.

To know where those profile scripts are located in your computer type:


You can edit one of them, for example, by typing:

notepad $profile

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