Find The Number of Files in a Directory

Count number of files within a directory in Linux?

this is one:

ls -l . | egrep -c '^-'


ls -1 | wc -l

Which means:
ls: list files in dir

-1: (that's a ONE) only one entry per line. Change it to -1a if you want hidden files too

|: pipe output onto...

wc: "wordcount"

-l: count lines.

How to count number of files in each directory?

Assuming you have GNU find, let it find the directories and let bash do the rest:

find . -type d -print0 | while read -d '' -r dir; do
printf "%5d files in directory %s\n" "${#files[@]}" "$dir"

How to count the number of files in a directory using Python

os.listdir() will be slightly more efficient than using glob.glob. To test if a filename is an ordinary file (and not a directory or other entity), use os.path.isfile():

import os, os.path

# simple version for working with CWD
print len([name for name in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(name)])

# path joining version for other paths
DIR = '/tmp'
print len([name for name in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, name))])

Recursively counting files in a Linux directory

This should work:

find DIR_NAME -type f | wc -l


  • -type f to include only files.
  • | (and not ¦) redirects find command's standard output to wc command's standard input.
  • wc (short for word count) counts newlines, words and bytes on its input (docs).
  • -l to count just newlines.


  • Replace DIR_NAME with . to execute the command in the current folder.
  • You can also remove the -type f to include directories (and symlinks) in the count.
  • It's possible this command will overcount if filenames can contain newline characters.

Explanation of why your example does not work:

In the command you showed, you do not use the "Pipe" (|) to kind-of connect two commands, but the broken bar (¦) which the shell does not recognize as a command or something similar. That's why you get that error message.

Counting the number of files in a directory using C

No guarantee that this code compiles, and it's really only compatible with Linux and the BSDs:

#include <dirent.h>


int file_count = 0;
DIR * dirp;
struct dirent * entry;

dirp = opendir("path"); /* There should be error handling after this */
while ((entry = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
if (entry->d_type == DT_REG) { /* If the entry is a regular file */

Find the number of files in a directory

readdir is not as expensive as you may think. The knack is avoid stat'ing each file, and (optionally) sorting the output of ls.

/bin/ls -1U | wc -l

avoids aliases in your shell, doesn't sort the output, and lists 1 file-per-line (not strictly necessary when piping the output into wc).

The original question can be rephrased as "does the data structure of a directory store a count of the number of entries?", to which the answer is no. There isn't a more efficient way of counting files than readdir(2)/getdents(2).

How can I find the number of files within a directory?

You could use .glob() or .rglob():

from pathlib import Path
fileDir = Path("C:/Users/Jonas/Desktop/Test")
excelFiles = fileDir.rglob('*.xl*')
>>> 3

Efficient way to find number of files in directory

It appears there is no easy way.. while documentation says that there are begin and end defined for directory_iterator, it doesn't behave like a range-based one.

directory_iterator begin( directory_iterator iter ) noexcept;
(1) (since C++17)

directory_iterator end( const directory_iterator& ) noexcept;
(2) (since C++17)

1) Returns iter unchanged

2) Returns a default-constructed
directory_iterator, which serves as the end iterator. The argument is
ignored. These non-member functions enable the use of
directory_iterators with range-based for loops.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

int main()
fs::directory_iterator a(".");

for(auto& p: a)
std::cout << p.path() << '\n';

//std::cout << (std::end(a) - std::begin(a)) << '\n'; // apparently impossible,
std::cout <<
fs::directory_iterator()) << '\n'; // always returns 1
std::cout <<
fs::directory_iterator{}) << '\n'; // need a new iterator

Whenever you increment directory_iterator, it WILL NOT be equal to default constructed unless you reach the end of list. Increment operator is the "magic" which scans file system for next entry. The way to do this using standard library is:

fs::directory_iterator a(".");
int count = 0;
for(auto p: a) {
std::cout << count << '\n';

This is exactly what std::distance does. The state of iterator changes during increment, which must be taken in account.

Obviously there is problem that content of directory can change during the loop execution, so actual loop might look much more complex.

Python count files in a directory and all its subdirectories

IIUC, you can just do

sum(len(files) for _, _, files in os.walk('path/to/folder'))

or perhaps, to avoid the len for probably slightly better performance:

sum(1 for _, _, files in os.walk('folder_test') for f in files)

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