How to Update Minikube Latest Version

upgrade minikube at Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Minikube is an executable, in this case you would need to re-install the minikube with the desired version. There is no command to upgrade the running Minikube.

You would need to:

sudo minikube delete             # remove your minikube cluster
sudo rm -rf ~/.minikube # remove minikube

and reinstall it using Minikube documentation - Start, depends on what your requirements are (packaged used in docs should be always up to date and should cover all your requirements regarding available drivers).

update k8s in minikube

You can start minikube with a k8s version of your choice

▶ minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.22.1
minikube v1.23.0 on Darwin 11.6.1
✨ Using the virtualbox driver based on existing profile
Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
minikube 1.25.1 is available! Download it:
To disable this notice, run: 'minikube config set WantUpdateNotification false'

Unable to update Minikube Deployment with new image

If you did pull the image outside the minikube cluster and you successfully run it as docker container .. then It should work(check if the IMAGE ID is unique, else if you didnt change anything in dockerfile then newly created image will have the same image ID ) If successfully created , tagged and uploaded like : dockerhub starax/service-frontend-voting:test
You can do these steps

  • eval $(minikube docker-env)

  • docker images => check the IMAGE IDs and name of images and their tags

  • docker pull starax/service-frontend-voting:test => this will download
    the test tag

  • run docker images again => to check if image ID , tags are different than the previous onrd

  • After that in manifest file kubectl edit deploy service-frontend-voting change imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    and image: starax/service-frontend-voting:test

Notes the command 1. you used wont do anything, because deployment will recreate another pod even if you deleted that pod , the new pod will have the image that is indicated in deployment which is same the old version.kubectl describe service-frontend-voting to check name and tag of the image that being used ..

The command 2,3 will delete, then create a same deployment as before, and the image pulled will be starax/service-frontend-voting:latest

To update image use => 4

About 6, if you don't specify the tag of an image K8s will pulled that image with tag latest tag.Also If you dont indicate imagePullPolicy then policy by default is Always ..

Also check kubectl get events is good command to tell you if you pulled a new image or no

I hope I helped

how to use new release of kubernetes as default in minikube

You can set its default value with:

minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.7.0

It edits ~/.minikube/config/config.json and adds:

"kubernetes-version": "v1.7.0"

Check out Selecting a Kubernetes version in the documentation. Check source code config.go for reference.

How to install a specific version of minikube on Mac OS?

Go to the link below. Search for the version you want to install. Click on “Assets” of that version, Download the binary suitable for your macOS architecture. Install it.

sudo install minikube-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/

Go to the link below. Search for your version. Click on “view at this point in history”. Click on “Raw” and copy the url.

brew install “raw-url-link”

brew unlink minikube

brew link minikube

How to update k8s pod to newer version of image after minikube image load

Managed to solve this myself.
I made a script that would first generate a random number and use it as the image's tag, it would then use kubectl set image to update the image.

$tag = $(Get-Random)
echo "building image"
docker build --build-arg NPM_TOKEN=$(cat .token) -t "sso-service:$tag" .
echo "loading image"
minikube image load "sso-service:$tag" --daemon=true
kubectl set image deployment/sso sso="sso-service:$tag"

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