Docker Container Can Reach Dns But Not Resolve Hosts

Docker cannot resolve DNS on private network

Docker populates /etc/resolv.conf by copying the host's /etc/resolv.conf, and filtering out any local nameservers such as If there are no nameservers left after that, Docker will add Google's public DNS servers ( and

According to the Docker documentation:

Note: If you need access to a host’s localhost resolver, you must modify your DNS service on the host to listen on a non-localhost address that is reachable from within the container.

The DNS service on the host is dnsmasq, so if you make dnsmasq listen on your docker IP and add that to resolv.conf, docker will configure the containers to use that as the nameserver.

1 . Create/edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and add these lines:


2 . Find your docker IP (in this case,

root@host:~# ifconfig | grep -A2 docker0
docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:bb:b4:4a:50
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

3 . Create/edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail and add this line:


4 . Restart networking, update resolv.conf, restart docker:

sudo service network-manager restart
sudo resolvconf -u
sudo service docker restart

Your containers will now be able to resolve DNS from whatever DNS servers the host machine is using.

† The path may be /etc/dnsmasq.conf, /etc/dnsmasq.conf.d/docker.conf, /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.conf, or /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/docker.conf depending on your system and personal preferences.

DNS not working within docker containers when host uses dnsmasq and Google's DNS server are firewalled?

A clean solution is to configure docker+dnsmasq so than DNS requests from the docker container are forwarded to the dnsmasq daemon running on the host.

For that, you need to configure dnsmasq to listen to the network interface used by docker, by adding a file /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/docker-bridge.conf:

$ cat /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/docker-bridge.conf

Then restart network manager to have the configuration file taken into account:

sudo service network-manager restart

Once this is done, you can add, i.e. the host's IP address from within docker, to the list of DNS servers. This can be done either using the command-line:

$ sudo docker run -ti --dns mmoy/ubuntu-netutils bash
root@7805c7d153cc:/# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=86.6 ms

... or through docker's configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json (create it if it doesn't exist):

$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json                      
"dns": [

(this will fall back to Google's public DNS if dnsmasq fails)

You need to restart docker to have the configuration file taken into account:

sudo service docker restart

Then you can use docker as usual:

$ sudo docker run -ti mmoy/ubuntu-netutils bash
root@344a983908cb:/# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=86.3 ms

Docker container can reach DNS but not resolve hosts

They have fixed the issue in 1.8: Cheers.

Docker doesn't resolve hostname

Docker 1.10 introduced some new networking features which include an internal DNS server where host lookups are done.

On the default bridge network (docker0), lookups continue to function via /etc/hosts as they use to. /etc/resolv.conf will point to your hosts resolvers.

On a user defined network, Docker will use the internal DNS server. /etc/resolv.conf will have an internal IP address for the Docker DNS server. This setup allows bridge, custom and overlay networks to work in a similar fashion. So an overlay network on swarm will populate host data from across the swarm like a local bridge network would.

The "legacy" setup was maintained so the new networking features could be introduced without impacting existing setups.


The DNS resolver is able to provide IP's for a docker compose service via the name of that service.

For example, with a web and db service defined, and the db service scaled to 3, all db instances will resolve:

$ docker-compose run --rm web nslookup db

Name: db
Address 1: composenetworks_db_2.composenetworks_mynet
Address 2: composenetworks_db_3.composenetworks_mynet
Address 3: composenetworks_db_1.composenetworks_mynet

Docker image stops resolving host.docker.internal after I add DNS entry

architecturally, container solutions all run internal DNS services which forward to upstream DNS providers like, if you directly set the DNS to resolve at, it won't be "proxied" through internal DNS, which is responsible for resolving docker.internal, etc.

the upstream is set via /etc/resolv.conf, so it's easier if you just update system DNS to

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