Vim Commands Log

Is there a vim runtime log?

running vim with the -V[N] option will do a pretty hefty runtime log, here N is the debug level.

vim -V9myVim.log

would create a log of debug level 9 in the current directory with the filename myVim.log

Vim commands log

Yes, there is! When launching vim use vim -W ~/vimcommands.log to >> to a file, or -w to overwrite the file.

-w {scriptout}
All the characters that you type are recorded in the file {scriptout}, until you exit Vim.
This is useful if you want to create a script file to be used with "vim -s" or ":source!".
If the {scriptout} file exists, characters are appended.
-W {scriptout}
Like -w, but an existing file is overwritten.

You may want to add a bash alias to store vim logs based on file name. I am interested to see how you intend to analyse your logs, I would like to do the same.

How do you search through Vim's command history?

Enter the first letters of your previous command and push <Up> arrow (or Ctrl+p).

:set li<up>
:set lines=75

Don't forget to check history option and set it to big enough value

:set history=1000

How to get read of log files after opening vim

From regexp_nfa.c:

log_fd = fopen(NFA_REGEXP_RUN_LOG, "a");


FILE *f = fopen(NFA_REGEXP_RUN_LOG, "a");

and from regexp.c:

f = fopen("bt_regexp_log.log", "a");

All the calls to this seem to be wrapped in either a #ifdef ENABLE_LOG or #ifdef BT_REGEXP_LOG. On other words: they're compile-time switches.

Looking at the top of these two files, I see:

#ifdef DEBUG
# define NFA_REGEXP_ERROR_LOG "nfa_regexp_error.log"


#ifdef DEBUG
/* show/save debugging data when BT engine is used */

Conclusion: Your Vim is compiled with DEBUG defined.

You can verify this with vim --version, where it should show DEBUG BUILD at the bottom. I don't see any way to disable creating these files at runtime; you'll need to recompile Vim.

There doesn't seem to be a configure switch to enable/disable this. It should be disabled by default. In feature.h I see:

* DEBUG Output a lot of debugging garbage.
/* #define DEBUG */

And in Makefile I see:

#CFLAGS = -g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes

Note that both are commented out.

It's also possible you manually ran make with make CFLAGS="-DDEBUG".

P.S. I didn't know any of this either, but quickly found the answer by using grep on the Vim source tree. Learn to love grep. grep is your friend. ;-)

VIM symbol ^A in log file

Try :help digraph-table in Vim, you can see

char  digraph   hex     dec     official name
^@ NU 0x00 0 NULL (NUL)

So ^A is the ASCII 0x01 character. If you want to see ^A things with hex code, try set display+=uhex. It'll be displayed as <01> with color of gray.

Also you can search this character with /Ctrl-VCtrl-AEnter. See :help i_CTRL-V:

CTRL-V          Insert next non-digit literally.  For special keys, the
terminal code is inserted. It's also possible to enter the
decimal, octal or hexadecimal value of a character
The characters typed right after CTRL-V are not considered for
mapping. {Vi: no decimal byte entry}
Note: When CTRL-V is mapped (e.g., to paste text) you can
often use CTRL-Q instead i_CTRL-Q.

You can enter a character with its hex value, <C-V>Xnn or <C-V>xnn, or its decimal value, <C-V>nnn, or its octal value, <C-V>Onnn or <C-V>onnn. In this case, it'll be <C-V>x01, <C-V>001, or <C-V>o001.

If you're using Vim on Windows, Ctrl-V might be used to paste. Then try Ctrl-Q instead of Ctrl-V. See :help CTRL-V-alternative:

Since CTRL-V is used to paste, you can't use it to start a blockwise Visual
selection. You can use CTRL-Q instead. You can also use CTRL-Q in Insert
mode and Command-line mode to get the old meaning of CTRL-V. But CTRL-Q
doesn't work for terminals when it's used for control flow.

Vim : How to start and stop logging everything going on?

You can log actions in Vim if you set verbose level in opened editor:

:set verbose=15

where 15 is debug level (it can be any number between 1 and 15, where 15 is the most detailed logging). If you want to save debug output into a file, you can execute:

:set verbosefile=log.txt

Check the full article by Jonathan Lehman where he explains it

vim editor, navigate at the source code using a log file

What you describe is called a quickfix window in Vim. You may be familiar with it from the results of the :make command. You can open a quickfix window using :cfile. The format is determined by the errorformat variable. Look up Vim help on these for more details.

For your example (filename, line, function, trace statement) you could do:

:set errorformat=%f\\\,\\\ %l\\\,\\\ %m
:cfile log.txt

The gratuitous triple backslashes are there to get around escape sequences in the :set command. The format translates to %f\,\ %l\,\ %m.

Alternatively, you could output your log in the gcc format. In that case, the default errorformat would be able to parse it, and all you would have to do is open it with the :cfile command.

After loading, you can view the log using the :clist or :copen.

How can I remove all console.logs using VIM

You'll have to set args to files you want to update first and then call argdo.

:args ./*.js

above will select all the javascript files in the current directory. If the current directory has sub-directories and you want to select files recursively you could use

:args **/*.js

After setting the args you can call the global command using argdo

:argdo g/log/d | update 

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