Command Line Arguments to Docker Run

How to pass arguments to Shell Script through docker run

Use the same

echo $1

Build the image using the existing Dockerfile:

docker build -t test .

Run the image with arguments abc or xyz or something else.

docker run -ti --rm test / abc

docker run -ti --rm test / xyz

How do you pass arguments to docker run entrypoint?

Whatever is after the image name replaces any defined CMD and is sent as parameter to the entrypoint.

So if you have an entrypoint defined, that you want to pass 'dotnet test' to, you'd do

docker run api-tests dotnet test

An example could be the alpine/curl image, that runs curl with the arguments you pass.

docker run --rm alpine/curl -s

will fetch the front page of Google. The parameters are just -s The image has curl as the entrypoint, so you don't need to specify that.

Append argument to ENTRYPOINT in Docker run where some args are already defined

The main container command is made up of two parts. The string you pass after the docker run image-name replaces the Dockerfile CMD, and it's appended to the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT.

For your docker run command to work, you need to provide the command you want to run as ENTRYPOINT and its arguments as CMD. You do not need an environment variable here. However, it is important that both parts use JSON-array syntax and that neither invokes a shell. If ENTRYPOINT includes a shell then things get syntactically complex (see @KamilCuk's answer); if CMD includes a shell then it won't get invoked but the command will be invoked with /bin/sh and -c as parameters instead.

FROM debian:latest
COPY /usr/local/bin/myscript # preserves execute permissions
ENTRYPOINT ["myscript"] # in a $PATH directory
CMD ["my", "arg", "in", "Dockerfile"]
docker run --rm the-image
docker run --rm the-image my arg from command line

If you want the initial set of command-line arguments to be included and the docker run arguments to be appended, you can move them into the ENTRYPOINT line; note that the docker run --entrypoint is syntactically awkward if you ever do decide you need to remove some of the options.

ENTRYPOINT ["myscript", "--first-default", "--second-default"]
# CMD []
docker run --rm the-image
docker run --rm the-image --user-option
docker run --entrypoint myscript the-image --first-default --no-second-default

If you can update your application to accept options as environment variables in addition to command-line settings, this makes all of this syntactically easier.

CMD ["myscript"]
docker run --rm the-image
docker run --rm -e USER_OPTION=yes the-image
docker run --rm -e SECOND_DEFAULT=no the-image

How to pass command line argument to python script from docker run command?

When you docker run the container, you can supply a command at the end of it. This replaces the Dockerfile's CMD, so you need to repeat the script name, but any arguments there will be passed through as-is.

If the script begins with #!/usr/bin/env python as its very very first line, and it's executable chmod +x, then you don't need to repeat the python interpreter; these examples will assume you've done that.

docker run --rm your-image \
./ first-argument

It's also possible to use a Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT here. This isn't my preferred use of ENTRYPOINT -- it makes some kinds of debugging a little bit harder, and there is a different pattern for it I prefer -- but it is common enough to be included in the Docker documentation. The basic setup here is that the CMD is passed as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT so you can set the ENTRYPOINT to the actual command and the CMD to its arguments.

FROM python:3.10
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY ./ ./

ENTRYPOINT ["./"] # must be JSON-array syntax
CMD [] # must be JSON-array syntax, could include defaults

In this setup both the ENTRYPOINT and CMD must use JSON-array "exec" syntax (shell-form ENTRYPOINT won't allow CMD arguments; shell-form CMD makes sh -c visible as arguments to your program) but that means you can't use shell features like environment-variable expansion as part of the command (the program can still use os.environ as normal).

The docker run option only overrides the CMD, and so only supplies the program's arguments

docker run --rm your-image \

But some kinds of routine debugging need an awkward docker run --entrypoint option to not run the script.

# run an interactive shell instead of the program
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash your-image
# without ENTRYPOINT: `docker run --rm -it your-image bash`

# double-check the file listing and permissions
docker run -it --entrypoint ls your-image -l /app
# without ENTRYPOINT: `docker run --rm your-image ls -l /app

How do I pass arguments to docker run in a CLI (Command Line Interface)?

When you use the feature to deploy container directly on Compute Engine, you are limited to the definition of

  • Entry point
  • Args to pass at the entry point
  • Environment variables

That's all, you can't add additional/custom params.

One solution is, instead of using the built in feature, to use the container-optimized OS (COS) on your Compute Engine and to create a startup script to download and run the container with the docker args that you want

ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' $SVC_ACCT/token | cut -d'"' -f 4)
docker login -u oauth2accesstoken -p $ACCESS_TOKEN
docker run …

On the latest line, you can customize the run param in your startup script.

So now, for the update, you have to update the startup script and to reset your VM (or to create a new Compute Engine with COS and the new startup script; and to delete the previous one).

It's matter of tradeoff between the convenience of a built in feature and the customization capacity.

command line arguments to docker run

use the -c option to bash to give it a command line as a string:

sudo docker run -i -t crystal/mono-base bash -c "/usr/local/bin/mono /home/crystal/Downloads/BackgroundProcesser.exe & /bin/bash"

and put something after the backgrounded command to the container doesn't immediately exit

Printing command line args (java program) when using docker run

Build command to be used is

docker build -t my-app:1.0 .

Docker run command with args is

docker run my-app:1.0 "Hello" "World"

Command Line Arguments for Container in Kubernetes


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: transfer-sh
namespace: transfer-sh
app: transfer-sh
replicas: 1
app: transfer-sh
app: transfer-sh
- name: transfer-sh
image: dutchcoders/
args: # <-- in this case each arg is individual
- --provider
- local
- --basedir
- /tmp
- containerPort: 8080

transfer-sh 1/1 1 1 91s

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