Where to Put Svn Repository Directory in Linux

Where to put SVN repository directory in Linux?

I like putting things under /srv, as it seems to match the definition in the FHS.

How do I locate the SVN repository directory?

If your repository is served by Apache (because for svn:// picture differ), you have to

  • Find your Apache configuration (httpd.conf)
  • Locate the Location container inside the configuration file with SVN WebDAV DAV svn
  • Identify method, used for defining repository location: it can be SVNPath or SVNParentPath directives
  • In case of SVNPath the repository is placed directly on the path, defined as SVNPath parameter
  • In case of SVNParentPath it lists parent-path to all repositories

ADD-ON: "Light" version

d:\Repositories\Hello>dir /b

You can search for any repository-specific file or folder in Explorer ("hooks" is good candidate).

Where should I put my svn repository?

No, you're right that you shouldn't have the repository inside its own working copy. What you can do is use an Alias directive (if you're using Apache) to map the directory /usr/local/svn/svn_repo to the URL path /svn.

Alias /svn/ /usr/local/svn/svn_repo/

This way when you direct your browser to http://linux-server/svn, Apache will show you the contents of /usr/local/svn/svn_repo, but that directory won't actually be inside /var/www. You will also need to enable Apache to serve files from that directory, so put this in your Apache configuration file:

<Directory /usr/local/svn/svn_repo>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options +Indexes

Note that you should also configure Apache with WebDAV so that you can access the repository over HTTP (otherwise Apache will show you the raw contents of the repository files, which won't be particularly easy on the eyes).

How to add an existing folder with files to SVN?

Let's say I have code in the directory ~/local_dir/myNewApp, and I want to put it under 'https://svn.host/existing_path/myNewApp' (while being able to ignore some binaries, vendor libraries, etc.).

  1. Create an empty folder in the repository svn mkdir https://svn.host/existing_path/myNewApp
  2. Go to the parent directory of the project, cd ~/local_dir
  3. Check out the empty directory over your local folder. Don't be afraid - the files you have locally will not be deleted. svn co https://svn.host/existing_path/myNewApp. If your folder has a different name locally than in the repository, you must specify it as an additional argument.
  4. You can see that svn st will now show all your files as ?, which means that they are not currently under revision control
  5. Perform svn add on files you want to add to the repository, and add others to svn:ignore. You may find some useful options with svn help add, for example --parents or --depth empty, when you want selectively add only some files/folders.
  6. Commit with svn ci

How can I access the trunk directory of a new Subversion repository?

The repository directory created with svnadmin create is essentially a database where Subversion stores information about files and their versions.

To access the files contained within the repository, you need to check out a working copy using the svn checkout command. For example, the following command will check out the repository you created to a directory named /home/user/public_html/working:

svn checkout file:///home/user/public_html/repo/myrepo /home/user/public_html/working

After checking out the repository, the /home/user/public_html/working directory would contain trunk, branches and tags subdirectories and you could then create a symlink:

ln -s /home/user/public_html/working/trunk /home/user/public_html/dev/

For further information, I'd recommend reading the Version Control with Subversion book (in particular the Fundamental Concepts and Basic Usage chapters).

.svn directory missing in new repository on Subversion 1.8 on centOS 6.x

After you create your repository you need to checkout first in different directory. This directory will be your working copy.

First create repository

svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /var/www/svn/testrepo

then your working copy

cd $HOME
mkdir svnWorkingCopy
cd svnWorkingCopy
svn checkout file:///var/www/svn/testrepo .
mkdir trunk
mkdir branches
mkdir tags
svn add *
svn commit

Subversion / SVN: can I import into a local repository/directory?

OK, step=by-step

svnadmin create "D:/svn/test/"

OK, if you'll get ordinary FS-tree of repo in this dir (I saw, you got)

svn import . "D:/svn/test/"

FAIL. According to SVN Book, format if import is svn import [PATH] URL (note the last word: URL). I.e.:

  • if you have some data in . ("D:\TestPrj")
  • if you want to add it into repository, placed at D:/svn/test/ and not served by any SVN-capable server
  • you must to use file:/// protocol and full physical path in URL without quotes around URL

I can't recall and can't test, have you have backslashes or slashes in path, you have to try it (starting from backslashes, I suppose)

Remember that Subversion expects all repository paths in the form
file:///C:/SVNRepository/. Note the use of forward slashes throughout

svn import . file:///D:/svn/test

But I'll recommend perform (before import) two additional steps in order to make life more easier

  1. Don't import into root, follow recommended repo-tree and create /trunk /branches /tags hierarchy in root (import into trunk can be performed without preliminary created trunk, because "Parent directories are created in the repository as necessary...")
  2. Run svnserve in easy and fast mode (listen on, root is root of your repo)
    and import into svn://localhost/trunk (or maybe slightly different path according to your choice) and don't solve problems of physical path, quotes, slashes

Where svn store project code?

The subversion repository is basically a database; you won't see the literal names of files and directories if you inspect it directly. This follows from the purpose of subversion: to store the history of every file and folder, including its state at every past revision, and metadata such as log messages, and actions which change the directory structure, such as renames and deletes.

Laying out the repository the same way as the code being stored would be a very inefficient solution for this aim.

list directory entries in the svn repository?

If you are the subversion administrator, the following command will return the directories located in your repository.

svnlook tree $REPO_DIR --full-paths | egrep "/$"

The trick is the grep command that is looking for a trailing "/" character in the name

Same trick works for the svn command as well

svn list $REPO_URL -R | egrep "/$"

Extra notes

To repeatedly run this command you can put it into a shell for loop

for url in $URL1 $URL2 $URL2
svn list $url -R | egrep "/$"

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