Which Suits Linux ? Gnu Make Vs Cmake Vs Codeblocks Vs Qmake

which suits linux ? GNU make vs cmake vs codeblocks vs qmake

CMake generates platform specific make files. So on Linux, it wil generate files for gnu make, on windows it can generate Visual Studio solutions.

There are some other good options to consider like scons and waf, they are both Python based, cross platform, and are much more pleasant to work with than GNU Make.

A build system with CMAKE or not for system composition

On the list of related questions the question "which suits linux" links to two interesting other options - scons and waf.

Both scons and waf, are a good candidate to be a buildsystem tool: They have the full capability that a fully-fledged programming language owns. That makes them well suited to write a buildsystem that can compose the system anyway that you can write a program to represent. And they by themselves are a build system, no requirement for a separate build system. Compare: autotools, cmake, qmake all generates makefiles and requires a separate make system to do the build.

Back to the original poster's question: If the project team is good on Python, then use scons or waf but not cmake. If your team members are really good at cmake handling but not python, why not cmake.

Compiling in Code::Blocks with Dependencies

CodeBlocks offers the ability to execute pre or post build things. Checkout menu "Project->Build options", and under the "Pre/Post build steps" tab, you can insert any shell command you want. For example:

Sample Image

When hitting F9, you will see:

-------------- Build: Release in aaa (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
Target is up to date.
Running target post-build steps
echo "Hi"
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

So you can add here any command you want to gather you files together, for example something like (using 7-zip):

7z a my_archive.zip myfile1.exe myfile2.dll readme.txt

Be advised that this will be executed at every build which is not something you might want: when compiling a minor change in program, you don't want to wait for the archive program. So maybe do this only in a special build target.

How to convert closed bezier curves to Bitmaps?

This paper by Charles Loop and Jim Blinn goes into lots of detail on your question.

Another option is to tessellate the Bezier curve into line segments and then use your favorite polygon fill algorithm.

how to play sound when alertview appears iphone sdk?

As Zoul says, you set-up and play your sound as you call [myAlert show] and cancel the sound in the alert view callback. Your code will look something like this:

  AVAudioPlayer *myPlayer;

// ...

// create an alert...

NSError *error;
myPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:mySoundFileURL error:&error];
// handle errors here.
[myPlayer setNumberOfLoops:-1]; // repeat forever
[myPlayer play];
[myAlert show];

// ...

// in alert callback.
[myPlayer stop];
[myPlayer release];

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