How to Untar All .Tar.Gz with Shell-Script

How to untar all .tar.gz with shell-script?

for f in *.tar.gz
tar zxvf "$f" -C /path/tar

How to untar every type of tar file in a directory with bash script?

To get your script to work with minimal changes, use $afile whenever you want the variable's value. The dollar sign makes a variable reference; otherwise you just get the literal string 'afile'. Also get rid of the square brackets and instead echo the variable to grep.

for afile in `ls -1`; do
if echo "$afile" | grep '\.tar\.gz'
tar -xzf "$afile"
elif echo $afile | grep '\.tar\.xz'
tar -xJf "$afile"
elif echo "$afile" | grep '\.tar\.bz2'
tar -xjf "$afile"
echo "Something is wrong with the program"

Since you're a bash beginner, let's look at various other ways you could write the script. I'd make a couple of improvements. For one, you shouldn't loop over ls. You can get the same thing by looping over *. Second, grep is a heavyweight tool. You can do some simple string comparisons with built-in shell constructs like [[ and ==.

for afile in *; do
if [[ "$afile" == *.tar.gz ]]; then
tar -xzf "$afile"
elif [[ "$afile" == *.tar.xz ]]; then
tar -xJf "$afile"
elif [[ "$afile" == *.tar.bz2 ]]; then
tar -xjf "$afile"
echo "Something is wrong with the program"

Actually, this would be even nicer with a case statement. Let's try that. Also let's echo the error message to stderr with >&2. That's always a good idea.

for afile in *; do
case "$afile" in
*.tar.gz) tar -xzf "$afile";;
*.tar.xz) tar -xJf "$afile";;
*.tar.bz2) tar -xjf "$afile";;
*) echo "Something is wrong with the program" >&2

We could even get rid of the error message if we just list the three types of files we want to loop over. Then there's no way to hit the else case.

for afile in *.tar.{gz,xz,bz2}; do
case "$afile" in
*.tar.gz) tar -xzf "$afile";;
*.tar.xz) tar -xJf "$afile";;
*.tar.bz2) tar -xjf "$afile";;

Or a completely different way to do it: use find to find all the files and its -exec action to call a command for each file it finds. Here {} is a placeholder for the files it finds.

find . -name '*.tar.gz'  -exec tar -xzf {} \;
find . -name '*.tar.xz' -exec tar -xJf {} \;
find . -name '*.tar.bz2' -exec tar -xjf {} \;

How to untar all tar files in current directory using Putty

-xfv is wrong since v is being referred as the file instead. Also, tar can't accept multiple files to extract at once. Perhaps -M can be used but it's a little stubborn when I tried it. Also, it would be difficult to pass multiple arguments that were extracted from pathname expansion i.e. you have to do tar -xvM -f file1.tar -f file2.tar.

Do this instead:

for F in alcatelS*.tar; do
tar -xvf "$F"

Or one-line: (EDIT: Sorry that -is- a "one"-liner but I find that not technically a real one-liner, just a condensed one so I should haven't referred to that as a one-liner. Avoid the wrong convention.)

for F in alcatelS*.tar; do tar -xvf "$F"; done

untar all .gz in directories and subdirectories

If I understand your question, you could use something like

DEST=<Destination Folder>
SRC=<Src Folder>
find $SRC -name "*.tar.gz" -or -name "*.tgz" -exec tar xzvvf -C $DEST {} \;

How to untar multiple files with an extension .tar.gz.aa, .tar.gz.ab..... in windows?

You are calling cat (an alias for Get-Content) to enumerate the contents of a single file and then attempting to pass the parsed file content to tar. You were getting the OutOfMemoryException due to this. Get-Content is not designed to read binary files, it's designed to read ASCII and Unicode text files, and certainly not 10GB of them. Even if you had the available memory I don't know how performantly Get-Content would handle single files that large.

Just pass the file path to tar like this, adding any additional arguments you need such as controlling output directory, etc.:

tar xvzf "$name.tar.gz.aa"

You can extract all of the archives with a loop in one go (with some helpful output and result checking). This code is also 100% executable in PowerShell Core and should work on Linux:

Push-Location $pathToFolderWithGzips

try {
( Get-ChildItem -File *.tar.gz.a[a-n] ).FullName | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Extracting $_"
tar xzf $_

if( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
Write-Warning "tar returned $LASTEXITCODE"
} finally {

Let's break this down:

  • $pathToFolderWithGzips should be set to the full path to the directory containing your tarballs.
  • Push-Location works like cd but uses the location stack. You can return to previous directories with Pop-Location. We change directories to the location we want to extract the files to.
    • Note: PowerShell Core supports the POSIX-like cd - and cd +
  • Wrap the rest in a try block so we can go back to the previous folder location after the try completes.
  • ( Get-ChildItem -File *.tar.gz.a[a-n] ).FullName enumerates all files in the current directory matching the globbing pattern, but making sure the last letter is one of a through n. Accessing the FullName property gives us only the fully-qualified paths for each file which is all we need to pass down the pipeline.
  • | ForEach-Object { ... } will pipe all of the filenames from the FullName values of the previous expression and iterate over each fully-qualified path.
  • Write-Host outputs information to the console via the information stream. This text is not programmatically accessible within the current PowerShell session. Write-Warning is used further on for a similar effect but is visually distinct.
    • Use Write-Output instead if you do want the text to be processed within the same session later on, but usually we want to operate on objects over strings if we can.
  • $_ is an alias for $PSItem, which is an automatic variable used for pipeline context. Every file path iterated over in the ForEach-Object loop will be referenced as $PSItem. We pass the archive path to tar with this variable.
  • $LASTEXITCODE is set when the last executable finishes running. This works similarly to how $? works in bash (though don't confuse this for PowerShell's $?). -ne is the operator for "not equals"
  • finally is used after closing the try block to Pop-Location back to the previous directory. The finally block is always executed *regardless of whether the try code succeeds or fails.
    • I'm admittedly not good with the tar executable so if you know how to control folder output without being in the current directory, you can omit the Push-Location,
      Pop-Location, try, and finally bits and just run what is inside the current try block, modifying the tar command appropriately. You will also need to prefix
      *.tar.gz.a[a-n] with $pathToFolderWithGzips (e.g. $pathToFolderWithGzips\*.tar.gz.a[a-n]) in this case too.

How to uncompress a tar.gz in another directory

gzip -dc archive.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C /destination

or, with GNU tar

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -C /destination

How to extract a .tar.gz file on UNIX

You must either run the command from the directory your file exists in, or provide a relative or absolute path to the file. Let's do the latter:

cd /home/jsmith
mkdir cw
cd cw
tar zxvf /home/jsmith/Downloads/fileNameHere.tgz

Extracting specific folders in multiple tar.gz files recursively

Possible solution

After tinkering around with the above shell code I managed to extract only the csv folders by adding the csv wildcard command:

for f in *.tar.gz; do tar -xzvf "$f" "*csv*" -C ../synthea_output; done

The output now looks like this:

|-- output_1
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_10
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_11
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_12
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_2
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_3
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_4
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_5
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_6
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_7
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
|-- output_8
| `-- csv
| |-- allergies.csv
| |-- careplans.csv
| |-- conditions.csv
| |-- encounters.csv
| |-- immunizations.csv
| |-- medications.csv
| |-- observations.csv
| |-- patients.csv
| `-- procedures.csv
`-- output_9
`-- csv
|-- allergies.csv
|-- careplans.csv
|-- conditions.csv
|-- encounters.csv
|-- immunizations.csv
|-- medications.csv
|-- observations.csv
|-- patients.csv
`-- procedures.csv

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