Is There an Equivalent to Dbus on Osx

Is there an equivalent to DBus on OSX?

Probably the closest analog would be distributed notifications (or notifications for same-process communication). It's not a perfect analog, but it fits into roughly the same niche. You can read more about it in Apple's Notification Programming Topics, particularly the part about the distributed notification center.

Equivalent to gconf on OSX

OS X uses a "defaults" system, and reads/writes application preferences as "plist" (property list) files that are stored in ~/Library/Preferences. You can read more about the defaults system here.

Gstreamer on OSX

v4l2src means "video-for-linux (ver.2) source".
since you are not running "linux", it is not so surprising that you cannot use "v4l2".

you might try to use the osxvideosrc (afaik this is in gstreamer-plugins-bad).

generally i suggest to check which elements are installed on your machine when you are looking for a a specific functionality, e.g.:

$ gst-inspect | grep -i video |grep -i source

PS: and usually i find it a good idea to throw some colorspace-converter (like ffmpegcolorspace) between a video-source and and -sink.

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