How to Open a "-" Dashed Filename Using Terminal

How to open a - dashed filename using terminal?

This type of approach has a lot of misunderstanding because using - as an argument refers to STDIN/STDOUT i.e dev/stdin or dev/stdout .So if you want to open this type of file you have to specify the full location of the file such as ./- .For eg. , if you want to see what is in that file use cat ./-

How do I deal with a filename that starts with the hyphen (-) character?

You can refer to it either using ./-filename or some command will allow you to put it after double dash:

rm -- -filename

How to create a file with its name starting with dash in Linux? (ex -file )

ls -ltr | awk '$NF ~ /^--/{print "rm ./" $NF}'|sh

Recursively replacing a dash with an underscore in terminal

Is there much crossover between files that contain spaces and hyphens? Because, if that's not the case, you may not be getting the files you want from the find options.

In other words, your second command looks for files containing a space and then replaces all hyphens with underscores in those files. I suspect you should probably be doing this instead:

find ./ -depth -name "*-*" -execdir rename 's/-/_/g' "{}" \;
# ^
# note this bit

How to read - (dash) as standard input with Python without writing extra code?

The argparse module provides a FileType factory which knows about the - convention.

import argparse

p = argparse.ArgumentParser()

p.add_argument("-p", type=argparse.FileType("r"))

args = p.parse_args()

Note that args.p is an open file handle, so there's no need to open it "again". While you can still use it with a with statement:

with args.p:
for line in args.p:

this only ensures the file is closed in the event of an error in the with statement itself. Also, you may not want to use with, as this will close the file, even if you meant to use it again later.

You should probably use the atexit module to make sure the file gets closed by the end of the program, since it was already opened for you at the beginning.

import atexit


args = p.parse_args()

Move file with a dash

It's not mc, it's mv. Quoting doesn't help because the quotes are interpreted by the shell so mv receives unquoted parameters name.csv and -name.csv. You need to hide the dash so that option parser in mv stops thinking it's an option. Use relative path ./ for the current directory, or full path:

mv name.csv ./-name.csv
mv name.csv "`pwd`"/-name.csv

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