How to Loop Through Multiple Folder and Subfolders and Remove File Name Start with Abc.Txt and 14 Days Old

Deleting files inside the folder from specific date using powershell

I would do this by first iterating the source folder path for directories with a name that can be converted to a datetime less than the datetime in variabe $specificDate.

Then use Get-ChildItem again inside these folders to find and remove files that do not have .tf.err in their name:

$specificdate = [datetime]::ParseExact('2022-01-01','yyyy-MM-dd', $null)
$sourceFolder = 'Y:\Data\Retail\ABC\Development\ak\AK_Data\*'

Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Directory |
Where-Object { [datetime]::ParseExact($_.Name,'yyyy-MM-dd', $null) -lt $specificdate } |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Removing files from folder $($_.Name).."
Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -File |
Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike '*.tf.err*' } |
Remove-Item -WhatIf

Again here, I added the -WhatIf switch so you can first see what WOULD happen.
If you're OK with that, remove -WhatIf and run the code again to actually delete the files

How to move or copy files listed by 'find' command in unix?

Adding to Eric Jablow's answer, here is a possible solution (it worked for me - linux mint 14 /nadia)

find /path/to/search/ -type f -name "glob-to-find-files" | xargs cp -t /target/path/

You can refer to "How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?" as well.

VBScript to loop through all files in a folder

Maybe this will clear things up. (Or confuse you more, )

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

sFolder = "H:\Letter Display\Letters\"
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Files
If UCase(oFSO.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) = "LTR" Then
ProcessFiles oFSO, oFile
End if

Set oFSO = Nothing

Sub ProcessFiles(FSO, File)

Set oFile2 = FSO.OpenTextFile(File.path, ForReading)

str1000 = "1000"
str1100 = "1100"
str1200 = "1200"
str9990 = "9990"

arrCommas1 = Array(14,31,41,59,70,81,101,111,124,138)
arrCommas2 = Array(14,31,41,55,79,144,209,274,409,563,589,608,623)
arrCommas3 = ArraY (14,32,41,73,83,97,106,156,167,184,188,195,207,260,273,332,368,431,461,472,593,617,666,772,810,834,848,894,898)
arrCommas4 = Array(14,31,41)

Do Until oFile2.AtEndOfStream
strLine = oFile2.ReadLine

If Left(strLine, 4) = str1000 then
intLength = Len(strLine)
For Each strComma in arrCommas1
strLine = Left(strLine, strComma - 1) + "," _
+ Mid(strLine, strComma, intLength)
End If

If Left(strLine, 4) = str1100 then
intLength = Len(strLine)
For Each strComma in arrCommas2
strLine = Left(strLine, strComma - 1) + "," _
+ Mid(strLine, strComma, intLength)
End If

If Left(strLine, 4) = str1200 then
intLength = Len(strLine)
For Each strComma in arrCommas3
strLine = Left(strLine, strComma - 1) + "," _
+ Mid(strLine, strComma, intLength)
End If

If Left(strLine, 4) = str9990 then
intLength = Len(strLine)
For Each strComma in arrCommas4
strLine = Left(strLine, strComma - 1) + "," _
+ Mid(strLine, strComma, intLength)
End If

strText = strText & strLine & vbCrLf

sFile = File.path
set oFile2 = Nothing

Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(sFile , ForWriting)
File.Write strText
Set File = Nothing

end sub

find and delete file or folder older than x days

You can make use of this piece of code

find /tmp/* -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;


  • The first argument is the path to the files. This can be a path, a directory, or a wildcard as in the example above. I would recommend using the full path, and make sure that you run the command without the exec rm to make sure you are getting the right results.

  • The second argument, -mtime, is used to specify the number of days old that the file is. If you enter +7, it will find files older than 7 days.

  • The third argument, -exec, allows you to pass in a command such as rm. The {} \; at the end is required to end the command.

Source :

For deleting folders, after emptying inside of them you can rmdirinstad of rm in the piece of code, also if you only want to see directories you can add

-type d

to piece of code such as below:

find /tmp/*/* -mtime +7 -type d -exec rmdir {} \;

Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

You could simply get the character length of the current directory, and remove them from your absolute list

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%n in (1 1 500) do if "!__cd__:~%%n,1!" neq "" set /a "len=%%n+1"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /r . %%g in (*.log) do (
set "absPath=%%g"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "relPath=!absPath:~%len%!"

How do I delete a file or folder in Python?

  • os.remove() removes a file.

  • os.rmdir() removes an empty directory.

  • shutil.rmtree() deletes a directory and all its contents.

Path objects from the Python 3.4+ pathlib module also expose these instance methods:

  • pathlib.Path.unlink() removes a file or symbolic link.

  • pathlib.Path.rmdir() removes an empty directory.

find and copy file using Bash

I would recommend using find's -exec option:

find . -ctime 15 -exec cp {} ../otherfolder \;

As always, consult the manpage for best results.

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