Run Bash Script with Sh

Run bash script with sh

Well, usually you use the shebang to tell the shell to use the correct interpreter:


# your script here

You have to set the script to be executable:

chmod +x

And let the user start it with:


It seems simple than to use a wrapper script.

You can use jbr test to run your script with bash even if the user use sh/dash or any sh like interpreter:


if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]
exec bash "$0" "$@"

# Your script here

This way it correctly works with either :

sh ./

# or

bash ./

# or


Running .sh scripts in Git Bash

Let's say you have a script To run it (using Git Bash), you do the following: [a] Add a "sh-bang" line on the first line (e.g. #!/bin/bash) and then [b]:

# Use ./ (or any valid dir spec):

Note: chmod +x does nothing to a script's executability on Git Bash. It won't hurt to run it, but it won't accomplish anything either.

How to run .sh on Windows Command Prompt?

The error message indicates that you have not installed bash, or it is not in your PATH.

The top Google hit is but you also need to understand that most Bash scripts expect a Unix-like environment; so just installing Bash is probably unlikely to allow you to run a script you found on the net, unless it was specifically designed for this particular usage scenario. The usual solution to that is but there are many possible alternatives, depending on what exactly it is that you want to accomplish.

If Windows is not central to your usage scenario, installing a free OS (perhaps virtualized) might be the simplest way forward.

The second error message is due to the fact that Windows nominally accepts forward slash as a directory separator, but in this context, it is being interpreted as a switch separator. In other words, Windows parses your command line as app /build / (or, to paraphrase with Unix option conventions, app --build You could try app\build\ but it is unlikely to work, because of the circumstances outlined above.

Do bash scripts execute in new shells or subshells?

You're correct; when you run a script with ./, it runs in a new shell, not a subshell of the current shell.

It does run in a subprocess, which is a shell, so it's a tempting and common mistake to say "subprocess+shell=subshell, so it must be a subshell!" But that's incorrect. The shell running the script won't inherit shell variables from the parent shell process (it'll inherit environment variables, i.e. exported variables, but that's true of any subprocess), it won't inherit shell modes (e.g. set -e) or other shell state, and it won't even necessarily be running the same shell (if you're running bash and the script has a #!/bin/zsh shebang, it'll run in zsh). So it's logically a different shell that just happens to be running as a subprocess of the shell that launched it.

How to run a .sh script from R on Windows?

seq is part of coreutils so your first check should be if your Cygwin install has coreutils installed. You can find out how to install new packages on Cygwin here.

bash under Cygwin will inherit the path from Windows and this doesn't include /usr/bin. To fix this, tell it to behave as if it is invoked at login

all_arguments <- c("-l", scriptPath, parameters)

Note that the filenames will need to be recognisable to Cygwin. See

Shell script - Bad substitution Error while running script with sh

To make my comment an answer:

You're running with sh, but your script declares it's a bash script. On many systems sh is not bash, but a lighter shell that doesn't support all bashisms.


  • run with bash, or
  • mark the file chmod u+x and run ./ to use the shebang line.

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