Groovy Process Not Working with Linux Shell (Grep and Awk and Ps)

Groovy process not working with linux shell (grep and awk and ps)

The shell -c option expects one parameter only. Try this from the command line, and you'll see it fails as well:

sh -c ps -ef | sh -c grep | sh -c grep -v grep | sh -c awk

It needs quotes to work properly:

sh -c "ps -ef" | sh -c "grep" | sh -c "grep -v grep" | sh -c "awk"

You can quote the commands properly by starting with a list of strings instead of a string: proc1 = ['sh', '-c', 'ps -ef']. In this case you're doing the filtering in groovy, so the simple solution is to simply not invoke the commands through the shell. Try this:

Process proc1 ='ps -ef'.execute()
Process proc2 ='grep '.execute()
Process proc3 ='grep -v grep '.execute()
Process proc4 ='awk '.execute()

Process all = proc1 | proc2 | proc3 | proc4

println all.text

Finally, if things don't work properly, it can be helpful to read the stderr stream with

println all.err.text

Executing long command with groovy on linux shell?

It's kinda a duplicate of the 2 questions in the comments, (plus some others I can't find at the moment), but try:

def cmd = /ps aux | grep 'unit 1' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'/
def out = [ '/bin/sh', '-c', cmd ].execute().text.trim()
println out

Using groovy, how do you pipe multiple shell commands?

This works for me :

def p = 'ps aux'.execute() | 'grep foo'.execute() | ['awk', '{ print $1 }'].execute()
println p.text

for an unknown reason, the parameters of awk can't be send with only one string (i don't know why! maybe bash is quoting something differently). If you dump with your command the error stream, you'll see error relative to the compilation of the awk script.

Edit : In fact,

  1. "-string-".execute() delegate to Runtime.getRuntime().exec(-string-)
  2. It's bash job to handle arguments containing spaces with ' or ". Runtime.exec or the OS are not aware of the quotes
  3. Executing "grep ' foo'".execute() execute the command grep, with ' as the first parameters, and foo' as the second one : it's not valid. the same for awk

Can I use wild cards when executing a shell process in a different working directory?

this version works for me, just try it out:

    #!/usr/bin/env groovy

command = ["sh", "-c", "cp -f *.php /tmp/"]
def cpProc = command.execute(null, new File('./php/'))
print 'current exitvalue :' + cpProc.exitValue() + '\n'
print 'current proc out : ' + cpProc.text + '\n'

print 'ls -la'.execute(null, new File('/tmp/')).text

The first answer on this question explains why your version did not work: Groovy execute "cp *" shell command

export command not working in Jenkins groovy

Refer the below to run shell and capture the output to a variable inside a Jenkins groovy file:-

vara = sh (script: 'shell script need to be executed', returnStdout: true)

You can try something like this:-

      steps {
script {
vara = sh (script: '''shell command''', returnStdout: true)
echo " The value of variable id ${vara}"

Getting PID for a process using Groovy

An alternative (as the output from ps shouldn't block any buffers)

Integer getPid(processName) {
'ps -A'.execute()
.find { it.contains processName }?.split()?.first() as Integer

println getPid('groovyconsole')

Bash command, dates and math in Groovy

If you did want to do this with built-in stuff (as mentioned in your comment) then all you need is the start instant, the end instant and a Duration.

import java.time.*

LocalDateTime start =

// Do some stuff

LocalDateTime end =
Duration d = Duration.between(start, end)

println "Operation took ${d.seconds}.${d.nanos}s"

But I'm afraid no amount of Java's DateTime classes are going to fix your HTTP 500 error.

right syntax using command sh in jenkinsfile

Finally, I found this way and works fine:

sh """#!/bin/bash
docker images | grep 643975c526cf | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | sort -u | xargs docker rmi -f

Shell script to capture Process ID and kill it if exist

Actually the easiest way to do that would be to pass kill arguments like below:

ps -ef | grep your_process_name | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

Hope it helps.

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