How to Get The Percent of Packets Received from Ping in Bash

How to get the percent of packets received from Ping in bash?

As always, there are many different ways to do this., but here's one option:

This expression will capture the percent digits from "X% packet loss"

ping -c 5 -q $host | grep -oP '\d+(?=% packet loss)'

You can then subtract the "loss" percentage from 100 to get the "success" percentage:

packet_loss=$(ping -c 5 -q $host | grep -oP '\d+(?=% packet loss)')
echo $[100 - $packet_loss]

how to extract ping parameters from a file in bash script

Try something like:

awk -F',|/' '/time/{x=$3$4}/rtt/{print x " " $5}' ping.txt | sed 's/[^0-9 .]*//g'
0 958 1.710

Get number of packets received by ping command in python

Here is my solution - just do stdout of ping command and analyze it.

def ping_ip(ip):
res = 0
current_os = platform.system().lower()
parameter = "-c"
if current_os == "windows":
parameter = "-n"

si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW

command = ['ping', parameter, '4', ip]
process = subprocess.Popen(command, startupinfo=si, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
percentage = 0

f ='ISO-8859-1').split()
for x in f:
if re.match(r".*%.*", x):
strArr = []
strArr[:0] = x
strArr = strArr[1:-1]
listToStr = ''.join(map(str, strArr))
percentage = int(listToStr)
if percentage == 0:
res = 0 # 0% loss
elif percentage == 100:
res = 1 # 100% loss
res = 2 # partial loss
return res

Ping reboot script percentage packet loss

ping output on my system when there's 0% packet loss and 100% packet loss:

$ ping -c10
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=75.890 ms
... snip ...
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=75.553 ms
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 73.983/76.589/78.678/1.682 ms

$ ping -c10
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

It may make more sense to search for the string packet loss and then take the 7th (white space delimited) field, eg:

ping -c10 "host" | awk '/packet loss/{print int($7+0)}'

When applied to the 2x scenarios above this generates 0 and 100, respectively.


  • in the awk code the $7+0 has the effect of stripping off trailing non-numeric characters (eg, %)
  • in the awk code the int() insures we only generate an integer (in case ping were to ever generate a float/real value); bash only works with integers so we need to make sure we only pass an integer back to the calling process
  • OP may want additional logic to handle a ping command that goes walkabout, eg, generates an error (ping: unknown host), generates nothing, hangs, etc

how can i improve my sed command to extract data form ping log file?

Let's assume:

  • The packet loss percentage is always found in lines ending with NUM% packet loss.
  • The date and time are always found in lines ending with data bytes.

Then, with GNU sed (tested on the two complete records you show):

$ sed -nE '/packet loss$/{s/.*\s([0-9]+%) packet loss$/\1/;h}
/data bytes$/{s/(.{24}).*/\1/;G;s/\n/, /;p}' sample.log
jue 08 abr 2021 13:35:35, 0%
jue 08 abr 2021 13:37:21, 1%

shell script to check ping packet loss & avg latency on AIX

Try this:

ping ... | awk '/packet loss/{x="Loss:" $7} /round-trip/{x="Trip:" $4} END{print x}'

If it sees a line with "packet loss" in it, it creates a string x with the packet loss percentage. If it sees a line with "round-trip" it overwrites the string x with the round trip time. At the end, it prints whatever the string x is set to.

In the light of your comments...

awk '/packet loss/ && /100/{x="Loss: " $7} /round-trip/{split($4,a,/\//);x="Ave: " a[2]} END{print x}'

So, now the "packet loss" line must also contain "100" before we pick it up. And the 4th field of the "round-trip" line is split into an array a[] using / as separator, then we take the second element of a[] as the average and store that in our output string x.

Bash ping output in csv format

Since the second line of the pingOutput was never processed (the loop ended before) the action of adding the -1 to the output was never performed.

Due to this problem I decided to capture the percentage of failure and act when no packets were returned (100%), I also simplified some expressions you used initially.

I investigated the script and came up with the following solution:


declare site=''
declare result=''
declare prctg=''

[[ "$1" == "www."* ]] && site="$1" || site="www.$1"


pingOutput=$(ping $site -c10 -i0.2 -q| tail -n2)


while IFS= read -r line
# !!! The problem is here, the if statement is not working properly and I do not know why !!!
echo $line
if [ "$fl" == "true" ]
prctg=$(echo "$line" | grep -Po "[0-9]{0,3}(?=%)")
result="$result $prctg"
if [ "$prctg" == "100" ]
result="$result -1 -1 -1 -1"
result="$result $(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f4 | sed -r 's/\// /g')"
done <<< "$pingOutput"

echo "$result"

extract values of ping message

Start by getting each line of the string:

String[] lines = pingResult.split("\n");

Then, loop and use substring.

for (String line : lines) {
if (!line.contains("time=")) continue;
// Find the index of "time="
int index = line.indexOf("time=");

String time = line.substring(index + "time=".length());
// do what you will

If you want to parse to an int, you could additionally do:

int millis = Integer.parseInt(time.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));

This will remove all non-digit characters

You can do something similar for the percentage:

for (String line : lines) {
if (!line.contains("%")) continue;

// Find the index of "received, "
int index1 = line.indexOf("received, ");

// Find the index of "%"
int index2 = line.indexOf("%");

String percent = line.substring(index1 + "received, ".length(), index2);
// do what you will

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