How to Use Grep in .Zip File

How to use grep command on zip files

zipgrep will work with zip files only.
If you want to grep all files, not only zipped files, then you could use ugrep, which allows to do that with -z flag.

How to grep on the content of a zipped non-standard textfile

In this post on grepping non-standard text files, I found the answer:

unzip -c error.log | grep -a "A.c.c.e.s.s"

Now I have something to start from.

Thanks, everyone, for your cooperation.

grep on zipped files without zgrep

This seems to be a bug in zgrep. Try xzgrep.

$ xzgrep -q hello *; echo $?
$ zgrep -q hello *;echo $?
$ grep -q hello *;echo $?

You can also use zcat and grep together, if files are always gzipped.

$ zcat * | grep -q hello; echo $?

How put every files result by a grep into a zip file

You can use -l option in grep to output only filename and pipe it to xargs to create zip for each found fine:

grep --null -rlE --include='*.txt' 'string1|string2' |
xargs -0 -I {} zip '{}'.zip '{}'

Note use of --null option with -0 in xargs to address filenames with whitespaces, special characters.

To create a single zip file containing each matched file use:

grep --null -rlE --include='*.txt' 'string1|string2' |
xargs -0 zip

grep -f on files in a zipped folder

If you need a multiline output, better use zipgrep :

zipgrep -s "pattern"

the -s is to suppress error messages(optional). This command will print every matched lines along with the file name. If you want to remove the duplicate names, when more than one match is in a file, some other processing must be done using loops/grep or awk or sed.

Actually, zipgrep is a combination egrep and unzip. And its usage is as follows :

zipgrep [egrep_options] pattern file[.zip] [file(s) ...] [-x xfile(s) ...]

so you can pass any egrep options to it.

How can I grep for a text pattern in a zipped text file?

zgrep on Linux. If you're on Windows, you can download GnuWin which contains a Windows port of zgrep.

grep a pattern in list of zip files recursively

for i in $(find . -name "*.gz"); do gzcat $i|grep -qe "n1" -e "n2" && echo $i; done

using ls with grep to zip selection of files

Don't parse ls

zip 2020*

is all you need.

While bash is parsing this line for execution, it will expand the file pattern before it launches zip.

An important thing to note about the difference between regular expressions:

  • the regular expression 2020* matches, anywhere in the string, "202" followed by zero or more "0"
    • the string "202" is matched by the regular expression 2020*
    • the string "120201" is matched by the regular expression 2020*
  • the glob pattern 2020* matches, starting at the beginning, "2020" followed by zero or more of any character
    • the file "202" is not matched by the glob pattern 2020*
    • the file "120201" is not matched by the glob pattern 2020*

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