Cloudera Manager Failed to Authenticate: Exhausted Available Authentication Methods

Cloudera Manager Failed to authenticate: issue with ssh key

Put master's private key into .ssh/authorized_keys of all nodes, including that of master's.

SSH connection issue Cloudera Manager on Google Compute Engine

Turns out that PasswordAuthentication was set to no in the ssh config (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). So while doing ssh it was not checking for password authentication hence did not ask for password. Changing this to yes solved my problem.

SSHJ is not able to connect remote Linux server throws UserAuthException: Exhausted available authentication methods

Typically it means that either your password is wrong, or you're not allowed to connect using the 'password' authentication method.

Cloudera Manager CDH cluster installation failed

its my mistake,my hostname configuration was wrong.

Is it necessary to be able to do SSH from one node to another in order to do cloudera cluster installation?

Cloudera Manager requires an SSH key to communicate with the Cloudera SCM Agents and do the installation.

Cloudera Manager installs the cluster for you. but you will need to initially add the authorized_keys SSH file for the remote manager to access the agent machines.

How does Cloudera Manager Work? (doesn't mention SSH, though)

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