How to Debug a Futex Contention Shown in Strace

How can I measure mutex contention in Ruby?

So If figured out how to do this with DTrace.

Given a Ruby program like this:

# mutex.rb
mutex =
threads = []

threads << do
loop do
mutex.synchronize do
sleep 2

threads << do
loop do
mutex.synchronize do
sleep 4


We can use a DTrace script like this:

/* mutex.d */
/copyinstr(arg0) == "Mutex" && copyinstr(arg1) == "synchronize"/
self->file = copyinstr(arg2);
self->line = arg3;

/self->file != NULL && self->line != NULL/
self->mutex_wait_start = timestamp;

/self->file != NULL && self->line != NULL/
mutex_wait_ms = (timestamp - self->mutex_wait_start) / 1000;
printf("Thread %d acquires mutex %d after %d ms - %s:%d\n", tid, arg1, mutex_wait_ms, self->file, self->line);
self->file = NULL;
self->line = NULL;

When we run this script against the Ruby program, we then get information like this:

$ sudo dtrace -q -s mutex.d -c 'ruby mutex.rb'

Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4004183 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2004170 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 6 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 16012158 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2002593 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4001983 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2004418 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4000407 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2004163 ms - mutex.rb:14
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4003191 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286591 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 2 ms - mutex.rb:6
Thread 286592 acquires mutex 4313316240 after 4005587 ms - mutex.rb:14

We can collect this output and use it to derive information about which mutexes are causing the most contention.

Futex based locking mechanism

Pthreads' mutexes are implemented using futexes on recent versions of Linux. Pthreads is the standard C threading API on Linux, and is part of the Posix standard, so you can easily port your program to other Unix-like systems. You should avoid using futexes directly unless you have very unusual needs, because they're very hard to use correctly - use pthreads, or a higher-level, language-specific API (which will almost certainly use pthreads itself).

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