No Local Gulp Install Found Even After Installing Npm Install -G Gulp

No local gulp install found even after installing npm install -g gulp

As pointed out in the doc, you should install it globally (you did that) and add it to your project dev deps (locally):

npm install gulp --save-dev

local gulp not found after installing globally and locally

Rico Kahler had the correct answer in his comment.

When I looked at the machine (instead of going off of my memory), I saw that the gulp file was one directory higher than it should have been.

The error message did have a clue toward this: it gave the directory holding the gulpfile, not the current directory.

Gulp: /usr/local/bin/gulp: No such file or directory

Do you want to install gulp locally or globally?


npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-cli should do the trick. You can then run it using:

  • ./node_modules/.bin/gulp
  • npm run gulp if you add gulp to the scripts section of package.json.


Most likely you have a $PATH issue.
Did you check where your global libraries are installed by NPM?

npm list -g

Does installing any other global library work, or is it specific to Gulp?

-- Edit --

If you are using NVM, you should add the NVM setup to your rcfile (that is, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile or similar). You can do so by appending these lines to your rcfile.

[[ -s $HOME/.nvm/ ]] && . $HOME/.nvm/

This will load NVM and update your PATH so that your shell is able to find gulp (or any other globally-installed program by npm or yarn).

why doesn't gulp run when installed globally?

You have to install the Gulp CLI to get the command line to work npm install -g gulp-cli

node_modules missing after local gulp install

You need either package.json or folder named node_modules in the current directory. If you are not going to have one, npm will look for either one in the parent directories. Check answer to NPM Installs Package Outside Current Directory for more details.

Also it is advised to start with npm init which will create package.json for you.

gulp not running in Dockerfile: Local gulp not found in /

I have Gulp running in a container. The main differences are that I set a working directory:

RUN mkdir /mcvitty
WORKDIR /mcvitty
COPY . /mcvitty

I don't run npm link gulp, either.

If that doesn't work, remove the RUN gulp commands and add them to your docker run command, e.g.

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint '/bin/sh' myimage -c 'gulp && gulp images'

gulp dev says Local gulp not found when its clearly installed

Found the problem. Apparently when using parallels desktop you are not able to run gulp from a shared folder, my project was running from \\Mac\Home\Documents\Git\Development\Wigo4it\GIWI\Components . What I did was moving the project from my shared folder to my C:/ inside the windows VM. And now it works. Just had some troubles with write permissions but that is solved.

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